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Statement - Anglican Bishops of the Church of the Province of Central Africa
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Fri, 06 Mar 2009 11:19:59 -0800
Statement from the Anglican Bishops of the Church of the Province of
Central Africa
Posted On : March 6, 2009 9:43 AM | Posted By : Webmaster
Related Categories: Central Africa
Statement on the Government of National Unity by the Bishops of the
Church of the Province of Central Africa at the Consecration of the
Right Reverend Cleophas Lunga as Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of
Matabeleland on the 1st Sunday of Lent 1st March 2009 at the Parish
Church of St Columbus, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
We the Bishops of the Province of Central Africa in holding and
believing that all people are created equal in the image of God and that
God wills his people to live their lives to its full potential
abundantly, cautiously welcome the formation of the Government of
National Unity in Zimbabwe.
This development comes after a long period of political polarisation
which created immense suffering of the people. However we are concerned
about the continued detention of some political and human rights
activists which is indicative of business as usual contrary to the
spirit and objectives of Global Agreement. The continued detention of
the activists is not conducive to the spirit of reconciliation and to
the promotion of peace and justice. Justice delayed is justice denied.
The Bishops of this Province urge the political leaders in this
formation to put the interests of the people and the development of the
nation in the fore. The leaders of the Government of National Unity
should think profoundly and reflectively on the past weaknesses such as
corruption, patronage, selfishness and regionalism and avoid them by
dedicating themselves to the promotion of the rule of law, respect of
human rights and good governance.
The bishops pray that the parties involved will faithfully commit
themselves to the fulfilment and spirit of the objectives enshrined in
the Global Agreement. This demands a high level of transparency and
consultation for all parties involved.
We urge our people to play an active role in the success of the
Government of National Unity by fervent prayer and safeguarding the
gospel values of love, peace and righteousness. We further ask our
people to genuinely reconcile themselves to one another and above to our
God of peace and justice.
God bless Africa
God bless Zimbabwe
Guard her children
Guide her leaders
Give her peace for Jesus Christ's sake
Bishop Ishmael Mukuwanda (President of the Service), Central Zimbabwe
Bishop Godfrey Tawonezvi (ACZ Chairman), Masvingo
Bishop Sebastian Bakare, Harare CPCA
Bishop Peter Hatendi, Manicaland CPCA
Bishop Trevor Mwamba, Botswana
Bishop Robert Mumbi (ZAC Presiding Bishop), Luapula
Bishop Derek Kamukwamba, Central Zambia
Bishop David Njovu, Lusaka
Bishop William Mchombo (Acting Provincial Secretary), Eastern Zambia
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