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[ELD] March 22 bulletin inserts celebrate World Water Day / The 'emergent church' - growing but hard

From "Matthew Davies" <>
Date Tue, 10 Mar 2009 05:09:06 -0400

>Episcopal Life Daily
>March 9, 2009

Episcopal Life Online is available at

>Today's Episcopal Life Daily includes:

* TOP STORY - March 22 bulletin inserts celebrate World Water Day
* TOP STORY - The 'emergent church' - growing but hard to define
* PEOPLE - Virginia Bishop Lee to serve as interim dean of Grace  Cathedral,
San Francisco
* DAYBOOK - March 10, 2009: Today in Scripture, Prayer, History
* CATALYST - Henry Nouwen - A Book of Hours



March 22 bulletin inserts celebrate World Water Day

[Episcopal News Service] March 22 has been designated World Water Day by  the
United Nations. In Episcopal Life Weekly bulletin inserts for that  Sunday,
Mary Getz of the Episcopal Church's Office of Government Relations  writes
that "water is central to our understanding of God's relationship to the
world, carrying the image of renewal, promise, and hope," and that the
conservation and wise use of water is, therefore, a duty of all  Christians.
She describes steps that can be taken to improve access to clean water  for
people all over the world.

Bulletin inserts are available at

>- - - - -

The 'emergent church' - growing but hard to define

>By Lisa B. Hamilton

[Episcopal Life] New ways of "being church" that developed in the past
couple of decades are gathered under the term "emergent church."

It's also called a conversation, a movement, a phenomenon - and defining  it
is "like chasing mercury around a chemistry lab table," said Phyllis  Tickle,
author of The Great Emergence: How Christianity is Changing and Why.

Although their emphasis on Scripture, the sacraments and their  relationship
to the established church vary widely, emergent churches are linked by  their
dedication to worship and ministry in the context of their location.

Full story:

More Top Stories:



Virginia Bishop Lee to serve as interim dean of Grace Cathedral, San

[Episcopal News Service] Bishop Peter Lee of Virginia has accepted a  call
from Bishop Marc Andrus of California to serve as interim dean of Grace
Cathedral, San Francisco, effective October 1.

In a March 6 letter announcing this next step in his ministry, Lee said,
"While I will depart Virginia with sadness at leaving so many whom I  love, I
am excited and challenged by the call to serve at one of the nation's
primary urban cathedral churches."

Full story:

More People:



>On March 10, 2009...

* Today in Scripture:

* Today in Prayer: Anglican Cycle of Prayer:

* Today in History: On March 10, 1748, John Newton, captain of a slave  ship,
was converted to Christianity during a huge storm at sea. After becoming  an
Anglican priest, Newton became a zealous abolitionist and wrote the  famous
hymn "Amazing Grace."



"Henry Nouwen - A Book of Hours" from Church Publishing, Inc., compiled  by
Robert Waldron, 160 pages, hardcover, c. 2009, $25

[Church Publishing, Inc.] Henri Nouwen - A Book of Hours is a beautiful  new
compilation based on the writings of Henri Nouwen, one of the greatest
spiritual teachers of our time. It is edited and compiled by Robert  Waldron.

Nouwen spent his life helping people respond to the universal "yearning  for
love, unity and communion that doesn't go away." He probed deeply at the
meaning of living a spiritual life that embraces pain and suffering in
ourselves and in the world, yet nevertheless gives us freedom to love  deeply
wherever we are.

More than a prayer book, Henri Nouwen: A Book of Hours, if followed
faithfully, helps structure our daily routine with prayer; thus, not  only
sanctifying our relationship with God, but also sanctifying the minutes  and
hours of each day.

To order: Episcopal Books and Resources, online at, or call 800-903-5544 -- or visit your
local Episcopal bookseller,

More Catalyst:


Subscriptions to Episcopal Life, the monthly newspaper for all
Episcopalians, are offered to individuals for $27 per year. This is an  18%
savings off the cover price. To subscribe call 1-800-374-9510 or send an
email to Save even more with a $50 two-year
subscription. Episcopal Life started in-depth coverage of General  Convention
in January.

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