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Taiwan Church News: TTCS reflects on past, present, and future during global financial crisis
"Lydia Ma" <>
Fri, 13 Mar 2009 16:35:11 +0800
>Taiwan Church News
>2976 Edition
>March 9~15, 2009
TTCS reflects on past, present, and future during global financial crisis
>Reported by Chen Yi-shuan
>Written by Lydia Ma
March 15th is the Sunday Presbyterian churches across Taiwan make a special offering for Tainan Theological College and Seminary (TTCS). In an open letter written especially for the occasion, TTCS President Ngo Hu-nga (Wu Fu-ya) noted that during the current political and financial crisis in Taiwan, churches and seminaries set on carrying out their mission face a long and difficult journey ahead.
Academic Dean of TTCS Lim Koan-hun (Lin Chuan-fen) echoed Wu’s sentiments and said during times of unrest, people really need faith to feel at peace. Circumstances in Taiwan nowadays require seminaries to do their best in bringing out the hope and love found in Christ.
During an interview, Lin shared that TTCS has strong roots in the Christian faith and in the country and these are distinguishing features and strengths of the seminary. However, TTCS has yet to receive formal accreditation from the Ministry of Education (MOE) and this can weaken the school’s competitiveness in an era when many schools compete against each other to attract more students.
TTCS is now working closely with the MOE to receive full accreditation and estimates the process may take two or three years to complete. The seminary will need to adjust its curriculum and offer general education courses approved by the MOE, while simultaneously strengthening its theological training and Christian education courses.
Lin emphasized that TTCS would not fall behind in spiritual and theological formation. “We train pastors and anyone willing to serve in churches. Our focus is to be a “people” centered seminary instead of an intellectually or philosophically centered seminary.”
When it comes to interaction between TTCS and local churches, Lin pointed out that seminaries exist because of churches. She welcomed local churches to offer suggestions and feedback and also pondered over visiting churches one by one on behalf of TTCS. The current economic crisis may decrease the number of new applicants to the school and scheduling promotional events or orientation sessions at local churches may help the school attract students. Lin urged local pastors to introduce talented candidates to the school as well.
In recent years, TTCS has been striving to build a closer relationship with the local community. It lowered its fences to make itself more accessible and local residents can now be seen strolling on the grounds of the campus. Some people have even chosen the seminary as a site for their wedding portraits. TTCS has partnered with five nearby neighborhoods in recent months by hosting various events such as Christmas carnivals.
In terms of TTCS’s infrastructure, school administrators confess that it is human nature to worry about a decrease in offerings when the economy is doing badly. However, our faith enables us to trust that God will supply our needs at just the right time. The seminary witnessed God’s provision recently when one contributor donated a significant amount of money which allowed it to remodel its 30-year-old student cafeteria.
TTCS administrators hope that brothers and sisters can support TTCS financially through offerings and urge interested individuals and churches to partner with them in supporting theological education. For more information, please visit
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