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TCN: Christians in Taiwan eager to learn more about Calvin
"Lydia Ma" <>
Fri, 13 Mar 2009 17:15:25 +0800
>Taiwan Church News
>2976 Edition
>March 9~15, 2009
Christians in Taiwan eager to learn more about Calvin
>Reported by staff reporters
>Written by Lydia Ma
Churches and seminaries across Taiwan are remembering John Calvin’s contributions and his faithfulness to God’s calling by holding seminars, exhibitions, and special courses.
Taiwan Christ Ching Ping Association organized a seminar by inviting Taiwan Theological College and Seminary Professor Lin Hong-Hsin to give a lecture entitled “Calvin the Man” on March 1st . Lin emphasized that Calvin’s years in exile and the dangers faced by early Protestant believers equipped him become an important leader in theology and prepared the way for him to formulate theological doctrines such as predestination and absolute sovereignty.
Lin reminded listeners that corruption among religious leaders was rampant during the Protestant Reformation. The sale of indulgences to build St-Peter’s Basilica is only one example of corruption and should serve as a reminder to churches today that big is not necessarily better. Another moral of this story is that Christians should constantly examine themselves to see whether they are relying on God or depending on money.
Lin also noted that, faced with the dangers and pressures of the Christian Reformation, there were times when Calvin lacked courage. However, a letter Calvin wrote to a friend at the time reveals that he still chose to respond to God’s calling and live and die for Christ. Lin remarked that it is difficult to rely on free will to reach a goal, as evidenced in Calvin’s life, and we need to answer God’s calling before we can fulfill our destiny and be strengthened in our weaknesses.
Taiwan Theological College and Seminary unveiled an exhibition entitled “Calvin and Taiwan” on March 6th to introduce Calvin’s legacy and his impact on Taiwanese churches. Seminary officials believe the spirit of the Protestant Reformation is reflected clearly in the relationship between Taiwanese churches and Taiwanese society and they hope the exhibition will allow churches to get to know this great theologian.
In southern Taiwan, Chiayi presbytery decided to hold a three-month book club open to anyone interested in knowing more about Calvin’s theological perspectives. The book club will be held from March 2 until June 8 at a local church and is being sponsored by Tainan Theological College and Seminary and Chiayi presbytery.
According to reports, more than 60 people from 20 different churches attended the book club during its first session, including more than 10 clergy members. Discussion was very lively and many attendees remarked that, being members of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan, it was important to know about Calvin’s basic teachings so as to pass on his legacy. The warm reception surprised event organizers, who plan to transform the book club into a continuing education course offered at Tainan Theological College and Seminary.
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