From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Taiwan Church News: PCT General Secretary concerned about culture of election bribery
"Lydia Ma" <>
Fri, 13 Mar 2009 17:32:18 +0800
>Taiwan Church News
>2976 Edition
>March 9~15, 2009
PCT General Secretary concerned about culture of election bribery
>Reported by Lin Yi-ying
>Written by Lydia Ma
Nominated by legislative reporters as the best legislator in the country, DPP legislator Twu Shiing-Jer has been tapped to run for mayor in Chiayi city in the mayoral elections scheduled at the end of this year. According to reports, Twu has received support from Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) Chiayi presbytery. Twu also took time to stop by PCT headquarters office in Taipei and visit PCT General Secretary Andrew Chang in the beginning of March.
Besides offering a few words of encouragement, Chang vowed that the PCT would work hard against the culture of election bribery and encourage Taiwanese people against receiving bribes during election season at the end of the year.
Twu was raised in a farm in Chiayi before graduating from National Taiwan University College of Medicine and later went on to obtain graduate degrees in the United States. Twu has been appointed as Director General at the Department of Health, Guest Professor at Chang Jung Christian University, board member at Changhua Christian Hospital, and gastrointestinal doctor at Mackay Memorial Hospital. Twu’s career profile reflects that he has had a lot of interaction with the PCT for many years.
During their meeting, Chang reminded Twu that being a mayor carries many responsibilities and urged him to care for Chiayi residents and keep up the good work he had done so far if elected.
Chang also mentioned he was worried that the year end mayoral elections in Taiwan would be plagued with bribery because people are most vulnerable during periods of political unrest and financial crises since they are struggling just to survive. He promised that the PCT would gather all its strength and resources in combating this social ill and monitor for any signs of election bribery across Taiwan.
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