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ELCA Presiding Bishop Comments on Economy, Task Force Documents
Mon, 16 Mar 2009 13:46:16 -0500
Title: ELCA Presiding Bishop Comments on Economy, Task Force Documents
>March 16, 2009
ELCA Presiding Bishop Comments on Economy, Task Force Documents
ITASCA, Ill. (ELCA) -- Noting that 2009 is "a difficult
year," the presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America (ELCA) reported March 7 to the ELCA Conference of
Bishops, focusing on the effects of the economic downturn on the
ELCA, as well as two documents released Feb. 19 by the Task Force
for ELCA Studies on Sexuality.
The ELCA Conference of Bishops is an advisory body of the
church, consisting of bishops who lead the 65 synods of the ELCA,
plus the ELCA presiding bishop and ELCA secretary. The
conference met here March 5-10.
Bishops representing the nine regions of the ELCA reported
that income is generally flat or down in most synods. Hanson
confirmed that the ELCA churchwide organization has already
reduced its operating budget by $1.5 million for 2009, and has
begun work on another significant reduction, all of which will be
reported to the ELCA Church Council, which meets March 27-29 in
Hanson said he is aware that synod councils "are struggling
to share the burden" when expenses must be reduced. "How do we
distribute the results of that across the whole ELCA, so that all
suffer and wear the burdens of the other?" he asked the
conference. The 21-year-old ELCA is built on the concept of
"interdependence," Hanson said.
Decision-making should be based on four characteristics,
Hanson said: transparency; mutual responsibility for the
consequences of decisions; sustainability and viability of
ministries; and the "perception of disparities" and
proportionality between synods and the churchwide organization.
He also called for "a commitment to a shared, common branding and
the use of the (ELCA) emblem."
Hanson said he was "grateful" for conversations on "Human
Sexuality: Gift and Trust," a proposed ELCA social statement, and
a "Report and Recommendation on Ministry Policies," addressing
possible changes to ELCA ministry policies. That report
recommends changes to ministry policies that could make it
possible for people in committed same-gender relationships to
serve as ELCA associates in ministry, deaconesses, diaconal
ministers and ordained ministers. Recommendations for each
document will be considered by the ELCA Churchwide Assembly Aug.
17-23 in Minneapolis.
"I think the challenge now in the coming months is: How to
hold these important conversations in a way that does not take on
a partisanship ... the polarization and the rhetoric of our so-
often divided society?" Hanson said. He said he hoped discussions
will show how Lutherans engage in important ministry decisions
without causing division.
ELCA members tend to talk only with people who share the
same perspectives, Hanson said. He asked the synod bishops to
"broker relationships" and encourage congregations to engage one
"This is a time to call this church to prayer," the
presiding bishop said. He suggested the possibility of 50 days of
prayer leading up to the assembly, focusing on Scripture readings
for the churchwide assembly.
"I have great confidence in the Spirit, the wisdom of
assemblies. I think in the midst of adversity we do our best
evangelical, imaginative, missional work," Hanson said.
For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or
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