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Anglican Delegates Statement on United Nations Commission on the Status of Women
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Mon, 16 Mar 2009 11:41:41 -0700
A Statement from Anglican Delegates to the 53rd Session of the United
Nations Commission on the Status of Women
Posted On : March 16, 2009 10:30 AM | Posted By : Webmaster
Related Categories: ACO - UN
This year's United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) was
focused on the priority theme: the equal sharing of responsibilities
between women and men, including caregiving in the context of HIV/AIDS.
The Anglican Delegates at CSW 53 worked hard to ensure that they took
part in all aspects of the two week programme. They were delegates
representing the Anglican Communion and supported by Anglican Women's
Empowerment (AWE) and by a worship framework which in itself was
challenging and sustaining.
The delegates in reporting to their provinces recognize the progress
which has occurred in many countries. The number of women in decision
making roles has increased and girls' access to education has improved.
The delegation learned about innovative services for those living with
HIV/AIDS; those involving faith communities, including Anglican
churches, were of particular interest.
While we focused on areas of success, there were multiple examples of
gender inequality that led the Anglican delegation at CSW to voice
considerable concerns. Of special concern was the slow implementation of
the MDGs, their relation to gender equality and the resulting increased
suffering of women and girls. This is further exacerbated by the
HIV/AIDS pandemic.
We recognize that women and girls are overwhelmingly the caregivers in
areas of high HIV prevalence. We especially note that girls leave school
and are being deprived of education as they act as caregivers for ill
parents or orphaned siblings. Women find themselves forced to choose
between working to support their families and caring for infected family
members at home. Support services are often limited, and offered by
women in the community who are under similar strains themselves. Some
formal programmes exist to target aid to these women but rarely include
them in decision making, and often continue to 'employ' them as
It is recognized that the financial crisis which is affecting the Global
Economy will affect women to a greater extent than men. This crisis is
an opportunity to involve women as equal participants in decision
making, and to ensure gender perspectives in financial decisions. This
requires vigilance on the part of governments, civil society and the
church in targeting funds to women.
The clear statement made at a plenary session by the United Nations
Secretary General Ban Ki Moon that 3 million girls are still undergoing
female genital mutilation each year requires urgent further action by
all concerned. Multiple presentations highlighted the association of
this, other acts of violence against women and girls, and the spread of
HIV. The lack of sexual and reproductive rights and education puts women
and girls at increased risk of HIV and in some areas of the world
married women are at highest risk. Innovative prevention measures are
desperately needed. The vulnerability of women and girls in areas of
armed conflict and the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war is an
area of deep alarm. The delegates also recognize the challenges faced by
migrant and indigenous women and girls; work is required throughout the
world to support and empower them.
It is evident that gender stereotyping is a major hindrance in moving
ahead and now needs to be addressed by clear action throughout the
world. Work must be done with men and boys as well as women and girls to
address harmful societal norms and practices. We ask churches across the
Anglican Communion to examine how they can champion the equality of men
and boys, and women and girls particularly with regard to caregiving.
ACNSlist, published by Anglican Communion News Service, London, is
distributed to more than 8,000 journalists and other readers around
the world.
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