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re: Wfn-editors Digest, Vol 11, Issue 31
"" <>
Tue, 17 Mar 2009 05:01:46 -0600
"Greetings in Jesus name from GRACE MINISTRIES and Family."
The outcome of the Lord's inspiration for His MINISTRIES through the Holy spirit of God in at your hand in the le tter. Which will introduce you about our most motivality and powerful PRAYE RS given by the Lord to win the dying souls through "GRACE MINISTRIES " whi ch anon-profit charitable MINISTRIES of its own kind irrespective of cast a nd greed and at salutely based of faith.
For the great task of the lord. We three major strategies through which GRACE MINIS TRIES can strive forward to have come into existence to into theMINISTRIES in the time to come it in now on the cradle and good nutrition in need to g row and to become strong enough to set, walk and run in future
STRATEGY NO:1 : THE RURAL UPLEFTMENTFOR CHRIST Luke 19:10 it has been re alized that most part of the rural areas of India are still beret inflators and undeveloped Educationally, physically economically, mentally, spiritu ally. As a matter of fact. The povertiness and illiteracy have made the peo ple totally handicapped. They are apparently ignorant of the real definitio n of life but we believe the this project will definitely help us eradicate the bard predicament of the communities and creed and awareness among them to the fact that salvation through Jesus Christ inartistically needed to e nter into the kingdom of God under the strategy No.1 we have planned to tak e the projects from orphaned organization to carry out the following things under the community Development programmes which one as follows School Re sidential Schools, Computer education Centers. Adult education clinics, typ e institutes, libraries, children coaching centers orphanages, widows disab le persons, Tailoring centers.
STRATEGY NO2 : THE BIBLE TRAIN ING CENTER FOR CHRIST Mt 28:19,20 Needles to mention that India still need lot of young dedicated people to proclaim the Gospel away the dying souls t o bring them into the told of Christ. For this Real purpose of God. We very badly felt a need of a Bible Training Centre where we can train the people and send them out for the MINISTRY of God of Course, in the beginning we w ill not be able to start BTC three will be a short term-minor or for six mo nths and a short term- Major 6 months Bible +training altogether. After com pleting STM first semester there will be a gap of one year for practical du ring which time a candidate will get an ample scope to prepare himself for STM second semester.
STRATEGY NO3: THE EVANGELISM FOR CHRIST Isa 52:7. 1) Personal Evangelism 2) mass Evangelism 3) Literature Evangelis m, 4) Film Evangelism 5) Fallow-up Evangelism the above mentioned five type s of Evangelism will of obviously be playing a vital role in winning the so uls for Christ in whatsoever conditions may be it will of cause continuousl y be dominating the entire strategies to maintain the discipline unity and the integrity of GRACE MINISTRIES. However the ultimate goals of GRACE MINI STRIES into win the souls in Christ in India away 100 crores of population there in only 22% Evangelical Christians.
Let us resolve to c ome forward with GRACE MINISTRIES to implement the great task of the Lord i t has taken on. Are you ready to be a part of it? Spend the time in the pre sence of the Lord think of the dying souls and take the final discretion to be a part of GRACE MINISTRIES. For which we shall ever pray to God for you r long life and prosperity with thanks PLS MY WEB:www.graceministriesintern
Yours in
GRACE HOME-9/28/2,
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 10:3 1 PM
Subject: Wfn-editors Digest, Vol 11, Issue 31
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Today's Topics:
1. ELCA Treasurer Reports on Financial Outlook for 2009, 2008
Message: 1
Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 10:50:40 -0500
From :
Subject: ELCA Treasurer Reports on Financial Outlook for 2009, 2008
Message-ID: <3A60524D1B0E429FA118A83216ED5DE1@>
Content-Type: text/plain
Title: ELCA Treasure r Reports on Financial Outlook for 2009, 2008 Results
March 16, 2009
ELCA Treasurer Reports on Financial Outlook for 2009, 2008 Results
ITASCA, Ill. (ELC A) -- As economic uncertainty continues,
responding "quickly and strat egically" to changes in income will
be critical to the continued finan cial stability of the ELCA
churchwide organization and its capacity to sustain its mission
and ministries, wrote Christina Jackson-Skelton, ELCA treasurer,
in a March 7 written report to the ELCA Conference of Bishops.
"This will require close work and collaboration with
chu rchwide units, synods and other partners," she wrote.
The ELCA Confere nce of Bishops is an advisory body of the
church, consisting of bishop s who lead the 65 synods of the ELCA,
plus the ELCA presiding bishop a nd ELCA secretary. The
conference met here March 5-10.
For 2009 t he treasurer said she is currently projecting the
ELCA churchwide orga nization will receive about $64 million in
mission support, based on r eports from synods. Mission support
funds are provided by congregation s to synods, which share a
portion of those funds with the churchwide organization. In 2008
mission support funds sent to the churchwide org anization totaled
$65.3 million, down $1.3 million from what was forec ast. All of
the decrease in mission support occurred in January 2009, the
last month of the church's fiscal year, Jackson-Skelton wrote.
The churchwide organization has already reduced its
operating budge t by about $1.5 million for 2009, and another
adjustment will need to be made, she said, emphasizing that
income estimates have been changin g rapidly. Churchwide income
adjustments will be reported to the ELCA Church Council, which
meets March 27-29 in Chicago. The council determ ines the
churchwide organization's spending authorization.
For fi scal year 2008 the chuchwide organization had income
over expenses of $3.2 million in current operating funds, up
$600,000 from the previous year, Jackson-Skelton said.
"In the midst of a lot of economic turmoi l in this economy,
we really do feel we have a lot to be grateful for as we look at
our financial results ... because they represent a good stability
for the churchwide organization for the fiscal year 2008," s he
told the conference.
ELCA World Hunger Appeal contributions in 2008 were
$22 million, up $100,000 over 2007. Direct gifts for World
Hunger declined significantly in the fourth quarter, but income
from bequests and trusts more than compensated for the decrease,
Jacks on-Skelton said. As a result of the reduction in direct
gifts for Worl d Hunger, Jackson-Skelton said the Church Council
will be asked to red uce the 2009 World Hunger budget from
$20.6 million to $18.7 million.
The total budget for the ELCA churchwide organization is
about $ 105 million, including income for the current operating
budget, world hunger and other sources.
For information contact:
John Bro oks, Director (773) 380-2958 or
ELCA News Blog:
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