From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Taiwan Church News: Anti-gambling advocates march backwards to protest against slide in morality

From "Lydia Ma" <>
Date Fri, 20 Mar 2009 12:04:15 +0800

>Taiwan Church News

>2977 Edition

>March 16~22, 2009

Anti-gambling advocates march backwards to protest against slide in  morality

>Reported by Chiou Kuo-rong

>Written by Lydia Ma

Anti-gambling advocates in Taiwan protested against the legalization of  casinos by intentionally marching backwards during a protest rally held  on March 15th near the Presidential Office. Protesters held a protest  rally on Ketagalan Boulevard located just across from the Presidential  Office and berated President Ma Ying-jeou for leading the country into a  moral backslide by turning the “Republic of China” into a  “Republic of Casino”.

Members of Taiwan Anti-Gambling Alliance said the Offshore Islands  Development Act that would allow for casinos to be built in  Taiwan’s offshore islands was a contentious subject in the  legislature for the past ten years. However, it was easily passed on  January 12th by a KMT dominated Legislative Yuan despite fiery  opposition and rising concern nationwide. Furthermore, KMT legislators  are set to proceed with this act by analyzing administrative details  despite ongoing public opposition to building casinos.

The organization predicts that Penghu Island will hold a referendum on  whether or not to build a casino as early as the end of this year. It  organized this rally so that the public could pressure the government  and prevent the building of casinos. Anti-gambling advocates worry that  a casino in remote Penghu Island will eventually lead to casinos  nationwide.

PCT Seven Stars Presbytery East Gate Church pastor Rev. Lo Chun-gi (Lu  Jun-yi) led protesters in prayer during the rally, “We are saddened  that we elected greedy legislators and a greedy government. We never  thought that those in office would use cunning lies and tactics to  confuse the public and infuse wrong social values. Seeing government  officials portray gambling as a lifesaver that will revive the national  economy is tragic and saddening. God, we pray for You to help us stop  this corrupt legislation from destroying people’s character and  fill Taiwan with righteousness!” prayed Lu.


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