From the Worldwide Faith News archives
TCN: Discovering Taiwan's church history the fun way
"Lydia Ma" <>
Fri, 20 Mar 2009 13:47:17 +0800
>Taiwan Church News
>2977 Edition
>March 16~22, 2009
Discovering Taiwan’s church history the fun way
>Reported by Lin Yi-ying, Chen Yi-shuan
>Written by Lydia Ma
To encourage believers to get acquainted with Taiwanese church history, the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan Church and Society Committee created a contest with two adventure routes for participants to complete. One adventure route focuses on northern Taiwan while the other focuses on southern Taiwan. Participants only need to bring a digital camera and a 2B pencil as they visit the five sites in each route. Once they reach a site, they must take a picture of themselves at the site and complete a monograph of a plaque stationed at each site especially for this competition. After completing one of the routes, they must mail their work to PCT headquarters to receive their prize – a miniature plaque similar to the real ones displayed at each site.
However, interested participants must hurry, for there are only three hundred miniature plaques available. The contest is open to individuals and groups and will last until the end of July.
According to PCT Church and Society Committee Secretary Chang Meng-yi, sites included in the southern route include Tainan Theological College and Seminary, Taiwan Church Press, Tainan East Gate Barclay Memorial Church, Thai-Peng-Keng Maxwell Memorial Church, and Kau-Pi Church. The sites for the northern route are Taiwan Theological College and Seminary, North Gate Church, Gi-Kong (Yi-Kuang) Church, PCT headquarters office, and Tam Kang High School.
Taiwan Church Press is one of the stops for the southern route due to its key role in Taiwanese church history. The organization was often persecuted during Japanese colonization and martial law era. In 1987, one edition of the organization’s newspaper, namely Taiwan Church News 1825 Edition, was confiscated by the government for publishing articles related to the February 28 Incident. The government’s actions triggered a street protest by pastors who sought to protect freedom of speech.
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