From the Worldwide Faith News archives
[ELD] Jerusalem bishop visits Gaza five weeks after being denied entry by Israeli authorities
"Matthew Davies" <>
Fri, 20 Mar 2009 07:56:35 -0400
>Episcopal Life Daily
>March 19, 2009
Episcopal Life Online is available at
>Today's Episcopal Life Daily includes:
* TOP STORY - Jerusalem bishop visits Gaza five weeks after being
denied entry by Israeli authorities
* DIOCESAN DIGEST - WYOMING: Congregations begin to see results from
mission grants
* DIOCESAN DIGEST - Washington congregations seek to form new Anglican
Diocese of Cascadia
* WORLD REPORT - KENYA: Church council makes 'new elections' demand
* DAYBOOK - March 20, 2009: Today in Scripture, Prayer, History
* CATALYST - Three Cups of Tea - Young Reader's Edition
Jerusalem bishop visits Gaza five weeks after being denied entry by
Israeli authorities
>By Matthew Davies
[Episcopal News Service] Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem Suheil Dawani,
Greek Catholic Archbishop Elias Chacour and Lutheran Bishop Munib
Younan were granted permission to enter Gaza March 10 to make a
pastoral visit to the Al Ahli Arab Hospital, an institution of the
Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem.
Dawani and Younan had both been denied entry into Gaza by Israeli
authorities on February 4 despite having been informed that their
request for permits had been granted.
While Israel withdrew its military and settlers from Gaza in 2005, it
maintains control over entry into the Palestinian territory, via land,
air, and sea, and no one is allowed to cross the border without
Israeli approval. A March 10 press release from the U.S. Israeli
Embassy in Washington, D.C., said the bishops had been denied entry
because they "are legal residents of the State of Israel," adding that
"Israeli citizens and legal residents are prohibited from entering the
Gaza Strip for security reasons and out of concern for their safety."
Full story:
More Top Stories:
WYOMING: Congregations begin to see results from mission grants
Creative ministries are sown from $552,000 in seed money
>By Joe Bjordal
[Episcopal News Service] Saying it wanted "jumpstart the diocese," the
Episcopal Foundation of Wyoming has made a major investment in
mission. The Mustard Seed Mission was formally launched on January
6-the Day of Epiphany-as checks for $12,000 were sent to each of the
Diocese of Wyoming's 46 congregations.
Full story:
>- - - - -
Washington congregations seek to form new Anglican Diocese of Cascadia
>By Pat McCaughan
[Episcopal News Service] At least seven congregations in western
Washington state are seeking to form an Anglican diocese outside of
the Episcopal Church but within its ecclesiastical jurisdiction.
The congregations, calling themselves the Diocese of Cascadia, have
sent a formal application for membership as a diocese to the newly
formed Anglican Church in North America, said the Rev. Kevin Allen,
rector of the recently formed St. Brendan's Anglican Church
( in Bellingham.
Full story:
More Diocesan news:
KENYA: Church council makes 'new elections' demand
>By Fredrick Nzwili
[Ecumenical News International, Nairobi] The National Council of
Churches of Kenya is calling for fresh elections in the east African
country due to what it charges is a crisis of leadership and bad
governance under President Mwai Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila
Full story:
More World news:
On March 20, 2009, the church calendar remembers Cuthbert, bishop of
Lindisfarne (c. 634-687).
* Today in Scripture:
* Today in Prayer: Anglican Cycle of Prayer:
* Today in History: On March 20, 1885, Christopher Wordsworth, priest
and nephew of the English poet William Wordsworth, died in Lincoln,
England. On March 20, 1985, the Anglican Communion was invited to be
one of the consultants to the United Nations Economic and Social
"Three Cups of Tea - Young Reader's Edition" from Penguin Group, by
Greg Mortenson & David Oliver Relin, adapted by Sarah Thomson,
foreword by Jane Goodall, 209 pages, paperback, c. 2009, $8.99
[Penguin Group] This young reader's edition of the worldwide
bestseller Three Cups of Tea has been specially adapted for younger
readers and updated by Greg Mortenson to bring his remarkable story of
humanitarianism up to date for the present. Includes new photos and
illustrations, as well as a special interview by Greg's
twelve-year-old daughter, Amira, who has traveled with her father as
an advocate for the Pennies for Peace program for children.
To order: Episcopal Books and Resources, online at, or call 800-903-5544 -- or visit
your local Episcopal bookseller,
More Catalyst:
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Episcopalians, are offered to individuals for $27 per year. This is an
18% savings off the cover price. To subscribe call 1-800-374-9510 or
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two-year subscription. Episcopal Life started in-depth coverage of
General Convention in January.
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