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WACC Statement on International Women?s Day , 2009
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Thu, 26 Mar 2009 08:09:11 -0400
WACC Statement on International Women's Day, 2009
8 March 2009
International Women's Day is a day to celebrate achievements in
women's empowerment in all realms - socially, politically,
economically and culturally. It is also a day to reflect on women's
struggles and the structural barriers that continue to impede women's
progress in ways that oftentimes erode gains that have been made.
The UN theme for International Women's Day 2009 is 'Women and men
united to end violence against women and girls'. The Global Media
Monitoring Project coordinated by the World Association for Christian
Communication (WACC) in 2005 found that only 1% of news stories
worldwide focus on gender-based violence. Yet, according to UNIFEM,
'violence against women and girls is a problem of pandemic
proportions. At least one out of every three women around the world
has been beaten, coerced into sex, or otherwise abused in her
lifetime'. The Who Makes the News? report of the 2005 Global Media
Monitoring Project observes that 'Innumerable events and incidents of
gender-based violence occur daily but news values and news priorities
apparently decree that these are not 'newsworthy'. Their scale and
magnitude is thus hidden from the public.'
The Global Media Monitoring Project found that even when gender-based
violence makes the news, the incidences are reported in a manner that
normalizes such behaviour, rendering it inconsequential and thus
sanctioning its perpetuation. A UN Expert Group Meeting in Vienna in
2008 concluded 'media representations significantly influence
societal perceptions of acceptable behaviour and attitudes. Training
journalists and other media personnel on women's human rights and the
root causes of violence against women may influence the way in which
the issue is reported and thereby influence societal attitudes'.
WACC commends efforts by media practitioners to eliminate reporting
that trivializes and normalizes gender violence by developing and
following non-discriminatory journalistic guidelines. The Guidelines
for Reporting on Violence against Women issued in November 2008 by
the International Federation of Journalists are a laudable example.
The next Global Media Monitoring Project in November 2009 will
collect data on selected indicators of gender in news media
worldwide, to determine what changes have ensued since the media
monitoring of 2005. One important aspect will be the changes in
reporting on gender violence.
WACC calls on individuals, groups and organisations to collaborate
with us on the next global media monitoring day in
November. Volunteer monitors are needed in every country. Details
on how to get involved are available at
WACC promotes communication for social change. It believes that
communication is a basic human right that defines people's common
humanity, strengthens cultures, enables participation, creates
community and challenges tyranny and oppression.
The World Association for Christian Communication is a UK Registered
Charity (number 296073) and a Company registered in England and Wales
(number 2082273) with its Registered Office at 71 Lambeth Walk,
London SE11 6DX. It is an incorporated Charitable Organisation in
Canada (number 83970 9524 RR0001) with its head office at 308 Main
Street, Toronto ON, M4C 4X7.
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