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Thu, 26 Mar 2009 12:12:03 -0400
We, the General Committee of the All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC), comprising of 39
representatives from 34 African Countries, meeting at the AACC Head Quarters in Nairobi on March 24-27,
2009, deliberated on the present situation in Sudan and issued the following statement:
As Churches in Africa we are:
Deeply concerned about the lack of peace in Sudan, particularly in the region of Darfur, acknowledging that
the present conflict has led to the death of hundreds of thousand civilians and an immense humanitarian
suffering with millions of innocent Sudanese citizens displaced by the indiscriminate violence (abductions,
torture and rape) carried out by the conflicting parties,
Indignant by the apparent disrespect for the sanctity of human life that the Bible as well as the Qur?an
prescribes: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he
created them (?) And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good (Genesis 1:27,
31). Whether open or secret; take not life which Allah has made sacred (Qur?an 6:151),
Acknowledging the full responsibility of the Government of Sudan to protect its citizens and to guarantee
safe access to humanitarian help for all those affected by the conflict we are deeply worried about the
consequences of the recent expulsion of humanitarian aid organizations from Darfur, organizations that have
been providing life-saving assistance to the peoples of Sudan,
Monitoring closely the developments after the arrest warrant against the President of the Republic of Sudan,
Omar Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir, issued by the International Criminal Court, and particularly concerned by
the non-reconciliatory remarks and current lack of progress in the Darfur peace negotiations.
Equally worried about the risk that the arrest warrant further distracts the implementation of the
Comprehensive Peace Agreement, understanding that without which there may be no real peace for the
whole of Sudan,
Humbly aware of the complexity of the conflict in Darfur and its interconnectedness with, and destabilising
effects to, other parts of Sudan and ongoing conflicts in neighbouring countries, thus acknowledging the
need for multidimensional solutions that lead to lasting peace in this complex crisis.
Noting with appreciation the role being played by the peace keeping force UNAMID (African Union-
United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur), but concerned about its lack of proper support and equipment,
Encouraged by the persistent role of the Churches in Sudan to be constructive actors for peace, justice and
dignity for all peoples of Sudan, notably through the statement by the Sudan Council of Churches of March
12, 2009.
In light of the above, we, as Churches in Africa, appeal to:
1. The Government of Sudan to assume full responsibility to protect its citizens regardless of origin,
religion or political affiliation, and equally, all the parties in the Darfur conflict to restrain from all
forms of violence and to respect the human rights and dignity of all people in Sudan.
2. The Government of Sudan to show its commitment to comprehensive justice and peace through
concrete actions, honouring its statements and agreements, inter alia the Comprehensive Peace
3. The Government of Sudan to allow uninterrupted humanitarian assistance to reach all suffering
people in Darfur; and, the international community to avail the necessary resources.
4. The nations of Africa through the African Union and the international community, notably the Arab
League and the United Nations, to continue to support the peace process through dialogue and
5. The Churches in Sudan to continue to faithfully live and work as messengers of peace, justice and
development for the well-being of their country and all the peoples of Sudan.
6. All Christians and people of other faiths to fervently pray for lasting peace in the Sudan and to
express practical solidarity with and accompaniment to our Sudanese sisters and brothers.
May God Bless Africa
May God Bless Sudan
Issued this 26th day of March 2009, Nairobi,
Archbishop Valentine Mokiwa Rev Dr André Karamaga
AACC President AACC General
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