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[ELD] Nebraska interfaith event to be webcast live March 27 / Lambeth Conference review recommends b
"Matthew Davies" <>
Thu, 26 Mar 2009 19:21:24 -0400
>Episcopal Life Daily
>March 26, 2009
Episcopal Life Online is available at
>Today's Episcopal Life Daily includes:
* TOP STORY - Nebraska interfaith event to be webcast live March 27
* TOP STORY - Lambeth Conference review recommends better fundraising,
communication, risk management
* WORLD REPORT - AFRICA: Churches demand Sudan allow aid agencies to operate
* WORLD REPORT - ENGLAND: Churches urge 'leadership' by G20
politicians at London summit
* WORLD REPORT - ENGLAND: Environment is 'an issue of justice,'
Archbishop of Canterbury says in Ebor Lecture
* PEOPLE - Marci Wolin Murphy named interim UTO Coordinator
* DAYBOOK - March 27, 2009: Today in Scripture, Prayer, History
* CATALYST - Transforming Stewardship
Nebraska interfaith event to be webcast live March 27
>By Joe Bjordal
[Episcopal News Service] Leaders of the three great faiths that trace
their heritage back to Abraham -- Judaism, Christianity and Islam --
will gather on March 27 in Omaha, Nebraska to talk about peace. The
program will be broadcast live via the Internet.
The groundbreaking event, called "Dinner in Abraham's Tent," will draw
1,000 persons to the Qwest Conference Center. The webcast will begin
at 8:00 p.m. Central Daylight Time/9 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time and
may be viewed at
The "conversation on peace" will involve Rabbi Peter Knobel, immediate
past president of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, Episcopal
Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori and Dr. Ingrid
Mattson, president of the Islamic Society of North America.
Full story:
>- - - - -
Lambeth Conference review recommends better fundraising,
communication, risk management
>By Matthew Davies
[Episcopal News Service] An independent review of the Lambeth
Conference's fiscal activities suggests that future conferences should
engage better fundraising practices and tighter risk management
measures to avoid the half-million-dollar deficit experienced by the
2008 gathering.
While the Lambeth Conference Funding Review Group acknowledged it
found no evidence of financial malpractice or dishonesty, its 17-page
report cites poor communication and lack of corporate memory as
contributing factors to the conference's shortfall of £388,000
Although significantly less than the conference's projected £1.2
million ($1.74 million) deficit, it appears the shortfall could have
been avoided were it not for "confusion over one particular
expenditure commitment of £411,000 ($597,000)" that the review says
"more than wiped out [a] £300,000 ($435,000) budget contingency" set
aside by the Lambeth Conference Company.
Full story:
More Top Stories:
AFRICA: Churches demand Sudan allow aid agencies to operate
>By Fredrick Nzwili
[Ecumenical News International, Nairobi] Leaders of the All Africa
Conference of Churches have demanded the Sudanese government "allow
uninterrupted humanitarian assistance" in the country following the
expulsion of 13 international aid agencies from Sudan's troubled
western Darfur province.
Full story:
>- - - - -
ENGLAND: Churches urge 'leadership' by G20 politicians at London summit
>By Trevor Grundy
[Ecumenical News International, London] British church leaders will
join campaigners in London on a march for jobs, justice and concern
for the climate before an April 2 summit in the British capital of
leaders from the Group of 20 leading economies from the developed and
developing world.
Full story:
>- - - - -
ENGLAND: Environment is 'an issue of justice,' Archbishop of
Canterbury says in Ebor Lecture
[Lambeth Palace] Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams used his Ebor
Lecture in York Minster, England to spell out why respect for the
environment is not an optional extra, particularly for Christians.
Full story:
More World news:
Marci Wolin Murphy named interim UTO Coordinator
>By ENS Staff
[Episcopal News Service] Marci Wolin Murphy, formerly grants
coordinator for the United Thank Offering (UTO), a grantmaking program
of the Episcopal Church, has been named interim UTO coordinator as of
April 15, announced Antoinette Daniels, director of the church's
partnerships center.
Full story:
More People:
On March 27, 2009, the church calendar remembers Charles Henry Brent,
bishop of the Philippines and of Western New York (1862-1929).
* Today in Scripture:
* Today in Prayer: Anglican Cycle of Prayer:
* Today in History: On March 27, 1991, a royal commission confirmed
the election of Dr. George Carey as the 103rd Archbishop of
"Transforming Stewardship" from Church Publishing, Inc., by C. K.
Robertson, 164 pages, paperback, c. 2009, $16
[Church Publishing, Inc.] For most Episcopalians, stewardship is
synonymous with pledge drives, budgets, and capital campaigns, but the
Bible is clear that God wants more than our tithes and offerings.
Looking to its scriptural roots in 1 Chronicles, Luke-Acts, and the
letters of Paul, as well as St. Francis' "third way," Robertson offers
a vision of holistic stewardship for the whole church, holistic
because it can't be separated from evangelism, outreach, scripture
study, and ministry to the newcomer. It does not involve strong-arm
tactics, only a willingness to risk changing existing structures and
ideas in order to enrich the faith community and strengthen
connections to the neighboring world.
Transforming Stewardship delivers both good and bad news about
Episcopalians and stewardship. Robertson provides essential models and
spiritual practices in order to transform the church's outmoded
attitudes toward stewardship and wealth into a broader context of
To order: Episcopal Books and Resources, online at, or call 800-903-5544 -- or visit
your local Episcopal bookseller,
More Catalyst:
Subscriptions to Episcopal Life, the monthly newspaper for all
Episcopalians, are offered to individuals for $27 per year. This is an
18% savings off the cover price. To subscribe call 1-800-374-9510 or
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two-year subscription. Episcopal Life started in-depth coverage of
General Convention in January.
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