From the Worldwide Faith News archives
TCN: PCT reaches out to Sichuan earthquake victims by donating toilets
"Lydia Ma" <>
Thu, 26 Mar 2009 15:03:02 +0800
>Taiwan Church News
>2978 Edition
>March 23~29, 2009
PCT reaches out to Sichuan earthquake victims by donating toilets
>Reported by Chiou Kuo-rong
>Written by Lydia Ma
To demonstrate their continuing support for victims of the Sichuan earthquake, Eden Social Welfare Foundation, Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT), Sunable Foundation and other organizations collaborated together to donate two hundred toilets to eight organizations in Deyang city in Sichuan, including Deyang Three-Self Patriotic Movement Committee. The committee’s Secretary- General Duan Xiao-Hong represented local churches in accepting the donation.
A simple ceremony was conducted on February 26 when these toilets were donated and Duan represented his organization in awarding a plaque to Taiwanese organizations during the ceremony to express the gratitude felt by Deyang city churches.
Concern for the hygienic conditions of the people living in Sichuan in the aftermath of the earthquake prompted the PCT General Assembly to raise $500 thousand NTD and partner with Eden, which conducted a survey to find out the needs of the Sichuan residents, and Sunable Foundation was tapped to help deliver relief supplies to Sichuan. The funds raised by the PCT were used to purchase 200 toilets and 2 toilet sets for people with disabilities to help churches, non-profit organizations, human services associations, and medical organizations in Sichuan. These toilets are designed specifically for people with disabilities, patients recovering from surgeries, and seniors.
During a phone interview with Taiwan Church News, Duan said he was extremely grateful to the PCT for its gift because it allowed them to help residents affected by the earthquake. He added that some of the toilets will be given to local churches so that they can distribute them to those in need. Duan pointed out that this gift would provide an opportunity for local churches to spread the gospel as well.
Duan also commented that churches responded to the earthquake with real action much faster than the Chinese government and it was a good testimony of the love of Christ. Churches led the way in relief efforts by providing material goods and mineral water, which was crucial in preventing the spread of diseases.
Eden Social Welfare Foundation also participated in relief efforts by providing counseling services to minister to people’s hearts. Duan reported that local residents were very grateful for Eden’s help and the gospel has flourished in Deyang city ever since.
“Deyang has a population of 3.8 million. Before the earthquake, there were 20,000 worshipers at local churches. Ever since the earthquake, the number of worshipers has risen to 60,000.” said Duan.
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