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TCN Editorial: Tuning in on God’s righteousness - a reflection for Youth Day
"Lydia Ma" <>
Fri, 27 Mar 2009 10:17:57 +0800
>Taiwan Church News
>2978 Edition
>March 23~29, 2009
Editorial: Tuning in on God’s righteousness - a reflection for Youth Day
>Translated by Lydia Ma
In a recent issue of the Taiwan Church News, it was reported that a group of youth made it their mission to ride their bicycles across Taiwan. In a short time span of 14 days, they rode from Puli to Taipei and then headed eastward to Ilan before turning back to Puli. During this 1,400 kilometer journey, these youth shared about their daily adventures, prayed together, recorded the experiences of their peers, and wrote about their thoughts on their homeland, their national identity, and themselves.
Hearing stories about these youths actively pursuing their dreams as they rode their bicycles reminds me of a movie released a few years ago called “The Motorcycle Diaries”. The protagonist in this movie is Ernesto Che Guevara (1928-1967) who hails from an upper-class family in Argentina. Guevara’s passion to lead a revolutionary movement was ignited by a motorcycle trip he took as a young man.
When Guevara was still a student in medical school, he decided to take one year off from his studies and join a good friend on a motorcycle tour across South America. As he rode his old motorcycle across several countries, he saw extreme poverty and suffering among peasants in Latin America, as well as government exploitation, suppression and corruption. Guevara was appalled by what he witnessed and his view of the world widened during that tour when he realized that a country must have enough strength and power to survive. He also began to see all countries in Latin America as a single entity sharing a common culture and economy that deserved attention and respect.
Just as he was about to return to Argentina, Guevara wrote in his diary that he would never be the same again after this trip. He even wrote that his old self had died. We can note a transformation in his heart as he wrote these words after completing a motorcycle trip that reshaped his view on life. After his return, he evolved from an average middle-class peasant into a revolutionary devoted to fighting political injustices.
Guevara’s short and legendary life made him the icon of modern day protest movements and he is often portrayed as a warrior and a hero. His picture often appears on thousands of posters and flags, and youths today also wear t-shirts or carry backpacks with an emblazoned picture of him. Though he passed away 40 years ago, his legacy of fighting social injustices and stirring up revolutionary movements is still alive in many parts of the world.
The bicycle tour these Taiwanese youths took and “The Motorcycle Diaries” took place during different times in history and in totally different social contexts. However, they are both stories of youth and their personal experiences. They are also stories about a journey of discovering one’s own heart.
As Taiwanese youths continue to write about their biking journey and their encounters with people from all walks of life, it is our hope that they will discover their self-confidence and potential through this journey and keep writing about what they have learned. Most importantly, it is our prayer that they will tune in to God and discover what His righteousness is about during this activity, as written in Micah 6:8: “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
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