From the Worldwide Faith News archives
GOA E-Bulletin March 27 2009
Worldwide Faith News <>
Fri, 27 Mar 2009 22:27:30 -0400
March 27, 2009
This is the weekly edition of the GOA E-Bulletin. For more information just click on the links below to go to the topics of interest to you.
If the link does not work from your email, copy the link and paste it into the address bar of your web browser.
RESOURCES FOR GREAT AND HOLY LENT: As we enter this very sacred season of the year, use this special web site for guidance, reflection, and information on the commemorations of Great Lent. The site provides articles, sermons, music, prayers, and much more to edify and strengthen you on your Lenten journey.
This Sunday is the Sunday of St. John Climacus, the fourth Sunday of Great Lent. Learn more about this Sunday, listen to hymns, read about the icon, and reflect on the meaning of this commemoration in preparation for Lent.
ORTHODOX OBSERVER ? MARCH 2009 EDITION: Read the latest news and information, find inspiring columns and new resources, and much more in the latest addition of the Orthodox Observer. Visit this web site for the most current issues and for the archive of previous editions of the Archdiocesan newspaper.
YOUTH PROTECTION MANUAL AVAILABLE ONLINE: The Department of Youth and Young Adult Ministries announces the development of the Youth Protection Manual for Metropolis/Direct Archdiocesan District Camps and Retreats (YPM). The YPM is designed to guide clergy and laity charged with the task of selecting, training, and supervising those who work with young people at camps and retreats. The YPM outlines among other things, definitions of types of abuse, a code of conduct for camp/retreat personnel, guidelines for monitoring and supervision of children and youth, guidelines for appropriate affection, and guidelines for screening and selection of staff and volunteers. To download the manual and other resources visit
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO PARTICIPATE IN ORTHODOX FAMILY STUDY: The Center for Family Care of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese is looking for volunteers to participate in the first national study â??Orthodox Family in America at Home and in Church.â?? This study is a first step towards a better understanding of how our Church ministers to the particular needs of families and how Orthodox families in America organize their everyday lives with regard to living their faith. In brief, this study addresses several broad questions:
How is the family life of parishioners related to their Church life? To what degree is our Church present and helpful in the everyday routines of the families of her faithful? What are major sources of stress in the family lives of our faithful? What are the greatest challenges for the maintaining of Orthodox Christian traditions in their family homes? What types of family oriented programs and activities are presently offered in the individual Greek Orthodox Archdiocese parishes? What do parishioners think about these programs? We need volunteers interested in being a part of this project. There are only two requirements to be eligible for participation: you must be a parishioner of a Greek Orthodox community, and you must have children 18 and under living at home (single parents are equally welcomed to participate as well as intermarried families?where the parentss are Orthodox/non-Orthodox)
If you are willing to help us by participating in the â??Orthodox Family in Americaâ?? study or if you have any further questions, please send us e-mail at or call 845-424-8175. You can also, download the form at
DAILY BIBLE READINGS FOR FACEBOOK AND iGoogle: The Department of Internet Ministries has launched an enhancement to its Online Chapel service that will now provide Facebook and iGoogle users access to the daily Bible readings and lives of the saints directly from their customized home pages. Visit the Online Chapel at for more information on how to add the new Online Chapel for Facebook and Online Chapel for iGoogle to your home pages
Journey Through Holy Week - the 20-page magazine that follows Christ and the Church through each day of Holy Week, from Saturday of Lazarus to Agape Vespers. The author pinpoints the relevance and meanings of services, hymns and scripture readings. Special features explain icons, traditions, and history. Suitable for ages 10 and up (Item is L183, $2.95 copy; quantity discounts available).
Journey Through Holy Week Teacher Guide - Five lessons for grades 6 through 9, exploring themes from Holy Week, such as hope and joy, preparation, healing and unity, sacrifice and resurrection (Item code L183-1, $9.95 copy). Will begin shipping on March 27.
Traveling on the Ark of Salvation, Volume 1: Feasts of the Theotokos - a new Vacation Church School program for parish use. The Department will begin shipping this much awaited program on March 15. The program includes lessons on the Feasts of the Virgin Mary, a daily puppet show, activities and crafts, hymns and specially written songs matching the lesson material. Order the Master Toolkit ($79.95) with all the materials for the director and teachers, including music and a data disk with the forms, letters, promotional needs. Supplementary materials are also available, such as student prayer and classroom booklets. And, extras like posters, t-shirts, stickers, and buttons are all available on
"Enter In": Four DVDs Explore Orthodox Christian Feasts - The Department of Religious Education is excited to announce a major new production. Entitled "Enter In," the resource includes sixteen 15-minute video presentations--over four hours of video?on four DVDs. These presentations explore the major feasts of the Church, and the meaning and purpose of Orthodox Christian worship. Other resources include Discussion Questions, a web site, a Viewer's Companion, and a Teacher's Guide. Full of interviews, music, hymns, icons, and beautiful visuals, this rich resource will both inspire and provoke. Designed for individual, family, or group study, it's the perfect resource for a parish's Great Lent Bible study or adult church school class! Call the Department at 800-566-1088 to order now, or visit
Save the date for Summer Institute 2009. The Department of Religious Education and the National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians will co-host the 2009 Summer Institute, July 30-August 1, 2009 on the campus of Hellenic College-Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, Brookline, MA. Speakers and worskop leaders: His Grace Bishop Savas of Troas; Rev. Dr. Philip Zymairs; Prof. Despina Prassas; Prof. Bradley Nassif; Prof. Vicki Pappas; Artist Niko Chocheli; Presv. Georget Photos; VCS Creators Barbara Harris, Laura Morton, and Rhonda Webb; Theo Nicolakis. More information will be forthcoming.
OUTREACH LENTEN AND HOLY WEEK RESOURCES: The web site of the Department of Outreach and Evangelism has resources to assist parish outreach during Lent and Holy Week. Visit the site to access reflections and sermons on Lenten themes, to download brochures, or to order a Lenten welcome banner. In addition, the site as numerous other resources for the ongoing program of outreach.
ONLINE REGISTRATION NOW AVAILABLE FOR IONIAN VILLAGE: Ionian Village, the travel abroad camping program of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, is now accepting registrations for the summer of 2009. For more information visit
NATIONAL ORTHODOX RADIO PROGRAM: Born in Georgia Niko Chocheli discusses being an Orthodox Christian, his art and his iconography. There will also be a short segment from Fr. Michael Oleksa on Observing Great Lent as an American Orthodox Christian.
Other programs on our Internet radio stations: On
â??Special Moments in Orthodoxy,â?? Fr. Harry Pappas will continues his adult Bible study of the Book of Acts. On â??Theologically Thinkingâ??, Fr. Stanley Harakas will discuss Prayer before and after Holy Communion. A new episode of â??Between Two Worldsâ?? will continue this week with the second of Dr. George Parsenios lectures on First Corinthians. The lectures are part of his class lectures at Princeton Theological Seminary. In new podcast â??Harmony of Thunder,â?? Rev. David Smith will explore the exciting history of great and powerful preaching in the Orthodox faith.
Tune into for daily updates on Real Break 2009.
All programs available on Internet Radio, Podcast and OnDemand at
2009-10 MALTA SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE: The Office of the Chancellor has announced the availability of applications for the Malta Scholarship Program for the 2009-10 academic year. This scholarship program was established at and is administered by the Archdiocese by means of a generous gift from the estate of Katina John Malta. The donation and the formation of the scholarship program has been done in recognition of the love Katina had for the Church and to honor her desire to help others, especially children and youth of the Orthodox Christian Faith. At least two scholarships of $2,000 each will be awarded for the 2009-2010 academic year. Application criteria and forms are available through the web site of the Office of the Chancellor at
CROSSROAD APPLICATIONS NOW AVAILABLE: The Office of Vocation & Ministry (OVM) at Hellenic College is now accepting applications from high school students in graduating classes 2009 and 2010 for its CrossRoad summer institute. Due to overwhelming interest from qualified candidates, CrossRoad will offer two sessions! Students from the United States and Canada are invited to take part in an exciting summer vocations exploration program designed to help them discern their life callings and match their God-given gifts with the needs of the world. For more information and applications visit
SCOUTING SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE: The Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting, an agency of SCOBA, offers two scholarships annually. The recipient for first place will receive $1,000 and the runner up will receive $500 upon acceptance to a four year accredited college or university. The candidates are evaluated on their involvement in their church, school, community, scholastic achievements, and Scouting. Applications are due by May 1, and guidelines and application information are available online at
2009-10 GIOLES SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE: Applications are now available for scholarships to be awarded for the 2009-2010 academic year from the George and Naouma (Gioule) Gioles Scholarship Fund, which is administered by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. The Gioles Scholarship Fund was established in 1997 with a generous gift in memory of George and Naouma Gioles. At least three scholarships of
$1,500 each will be awarded for the 2009-2010 academic year. For application criteria and requirements visit
OCMC MISSION TEAMS FOR 2009: The Orthodox Christian Mission Center is now accepting applications for 2009 Mission Teams! These teams will travel to nine different countries in Asia, North and Central America, Africa, and Europe. Team Members will perform ministries of healthcare, construction, youth outreach, and teaching. For more information on these unique opportunities visit
2009 NATIONAL ORATORICAL FESTIVAL: The Twenty-sixth annual St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival will be hosted by the Metropolis of Chicago in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota on the weekend of June 12-14, 2009. The Rev. Paul Paris and The Rev. R. Demetrios Andrews host co-chairpersons, and members of the host committee recently met with Presvytera Margaret Orfanakos, Archdiocese Co-chairperson, to discuss the plans for the weekend.
The 2009 Topics and Topic Tips are posted on the Web-site of the Department of Religious Education at
The official online store of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese
Free Shipping Offer Extended to 2009
NEW!!! Greek Education Promotional Certificates and Diplomas
on Orthodox Marketplace
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
This year we have begun distribution of Greek Education certificates through the Orthodox Marketplace. Both promotional certificates to pass grades and diplomas for program completion are being sold in packs of 25 certificates for $25 plus shipping.
With the promotional UPS Ground shipping for orders over $25, you pay only $2 handling for UPS Ground delivery. CF_EB_09034 -19283.html?MMCF_EB_09034
If you are not comfortable ordering items online, you may download the "order by fax" form:
Use the following SKUs to place your order:
GRK-121752 - Promotion Certificates
GRK-121753 - Diplomas
Three Hierarchs awards requests may also be made via fax or by putting a request in the customer comments portion of the order form on-line.
Due to the positive response, we have decided to continue offering UPS
ground shipping within the US for a $2 handling charge for any orders
that total $25 or more. No coupons are required - be sure to select UPS
Ground as the freight option when checking out.
New and Upcoming Releases
We are also pleased to present the Children's Bible Reader - Spanish
Edition, which is available now, as well as a number of academic bible
study resources including the revised Septuaginta, a critical edition of
the Gospel of John according to the Byzantine Tradition and others.
Soon we will release the new Orthodox Military New Testament, designed
to be small and portable while also including adequate devotional
references for Orthodox Christians who are deployed.
Ecology Film Series ? Featuring Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew
Documentary producer Jim Becket has released several films that document
the Symposium on Religion, Science and the Environment - a series of
gatherings that follow from a initiative from the Ecumenical Patriarch
to bring together experts from the field of ecological sciences, social
sciences and world religions together to discuss the impact of human
life on the environment and explore our obligations as people of faith
to sustain the created world. Join our waiting lists to be notified when
these products are available for sale.
SUPPORT THE ARCHDIOCESE WHILE SEARCHING or SHOPPING ON THE WEB: The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese has partnered with, a new search engine that donates half its revenue, about a penny per search, to the charities its users designate. You use it just as you would any search engine, and it's powered by Yahoo!, so you get great results. To use and support the ministries of the Archdiocese, simply go to:
For online shopping visit
GAMES ONLINE TO EXPLORE AND LEARN THE ORTHODOX FAITH: The Department of Internet Ministries is pleased to announce an exciting new web site at where kids and adults of all ages can explore, create, play, learn, discover, and grow in the Orthodox Faith. The site features online games and puzzles in a colorful, engaging environment, all with an Orthodox theme. The games are suitable for kids from ages 5 on up and currently features a coloring book, jigsaw puzzles, a memory game, a word finder, crossword puzzles, and more.
The online games are currently in beta and we encourage feedback so that we can further enhance this new online offering. Click here to visit:
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