From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Muslim, Rabbi and Baptist Preacher to do Comedy at RC Congress 2010
Worldwide Faith News <>
Sun, 29 Mar 2009 16:48:54 -0400
A rabbi, a Muslim and a Baptist preacher walk onto
a stage?and everybody laughs...
Which is probably exactly what will happen as a comedy
troupe of diverse religious backgrounds converge at the
opening dinner for RCCongress 2010 at Chicago?s
Marriott Downtown Hotel.
Rabbi Bob Alper, the Rev. Susan Sparks and Azhar Usman have made names for
themselves across the globe as entertainers who marry
humor and faith. Alper served congregations for 14
years and holds a doctorate from Princeton Theological
Seminary. Rev. Sparks is a trial attorney turned Baptist
minister who currently serves Madison Avenue Baptist
Church in New York. Lawyer and activist Usman says
his life?s goal is ?to promote better understanding of Islam
and Muslims? through comedy.
All three entertainers have been featured in major U.S.
news outlets for their ability to find the lighter side of
faith, albeit through pointed insight.
You can read more about this multi-faith comedy team on our website
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