From the Worldwide Faith News archives
RC Congress 2010 Seeks Colleagues Around Globe
Worldwide Faith News <>
Sun, 29 Mar 2009 16:57:46 -0400
Join us in Chicago, April 7-10, 2010, for a once-a-decade multi-faith
forum of all levels of communicators of religion.
This extraordinary event brings together over 1,200 communications
professionals to expand our experience and broaden our perspective on
embracing change.
Social change invites us to new ministries
As religion communicators, we are the purveyors of stories that need
to speak in today's culture. How do we tell the stories of wonder,
stories of longing, stories of resilience, stories of forgiveness,
stories of other worlds, stories of call to new audiences?
Religious change invites us to new dialogue
As professionals, we communicate religion. How do we help people
identify what they're yearning for, convey that there is a place for
them, and speak truth to the community?
Technological change entices us to new modes of reaching out
As communicators, we have ever advancing tools, but we also see a
power shift in publishing: through tools such as blogs, everyone has
a voice. How do we harness this power for the good of our organizations?
Top reasons why you should be there!
* Challenging plenary speakers on timely issues with global impact
* Over 50 skills-building workshops to teach you cutting edge
* Expert roundtable interest groups for information sharing
among communications pros
* Networking and ideas exchange with an interfaith, global
gathering of communications professionals
RCCongress 2010 is the place to be as we explore the changing
landscape, exchange views, educate ourselves, and embrace the
challenge of effectively communicating faith in today's world. Hope
to see you there!
If you or your organization want to be involved, please see the
interest form at:
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