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Raising Kids in a 24/7 Digital Media World - The Role of Faith Groups
Worldwide Faith News <>
Sun, 29 Mar 2009 17:03:01 -0400
RCCongress 2010 Workshop:
Raising Kids in a 24/7 Digital Media World - The Role of Faith Groups
Rebecca Randall is the Director of Outreach at Common Sense Media,
the nation's leading non-partisan, non-profit organization dedicated
to helping families navigate our kids' 24/7 media world.
She is a widely sought after speaker on kids' media and technology
use and has spoken to several thousand (and counting) parents and
educators to offer guidance on how they can raise kids who are safe,
smart, and responsible media users and creators.
Raising Kids in a 24/7 Digital Media World: The Role of Faith Groups
Youth today live in a 24/7 media world that is evolving at a dizzying
pace. Young people's media experiences, especially their
participation on social networking sites and virtual worlds have an
enormous impact on the way the way they make decisions, learn, and socialize.
This interactive, multi-media presentation will include an overview
of what young people are really doing with media as well as the
challenges and opportunities kids' media use pose for parents and
faith communities.
Practical tactics and strategies will also be offered on how faith
communities can partner with parents to raise young people who are
safe, smart, and responsible media consumers and creators.
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