Tim Frakes Productions
RCCongress 2010 Workshop:
Video in a Web 2.0 World
Tim Frakes is an award winning videographer, video producer, script writer and editor. His videos are broadcast on major television networks and distributed worldwide through DVD sales. You can find his videos at Video Google, You Tube, and Tripfilms.com. Based in Chicago, Tim has produced documentary, image and educational programs in 20 countries across Africa, Asia, the Pacific Islands, Europe and the Middle East, including many productions in the United States.
Video in a Web 2.0 WorldVideo is making a huge impact in the world of Web 2.0. Expanded bandwidths, fiber optics and ubiquitous wireless is empowering nations, organizations, villages and individuals. High quality video over the internet is a reality. What are you going to do with it? This workshop explores inexpensive ways to harness web video. We examine basic video production and post-production techniques, editing software recommendations, and uploading tips. We offer smart ways to target your audience by plugging your uploaded videos into social networking sites like YouTube, Facebook and more.
Religion Communication Congress
Voice: 212-870-2985 Fax: 212-870-2171 info@rccongress2010.org