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Hoover to Lead Seminar for RC Congress 2010
Worldwide Faith News <>
Sun, 29 Mar 2009 17:14:47 -0400
Stewart M. Hoover
Professor of Media Studies in the School of Journalism and Mass
Communication at the University of Colorado at Boulder
Pre-Congress Seminar:
Global Media, Global Religion: Research on Popular Media and the
Remaking of Religions
Stewart M. Hoover is Professor of Media Studies in the School of
Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Colorado at
Boulder, where he directs the Center for Media, Religion, and Culture
and is a Professor Adjoint of Religious Studies and American Studies.
He holds both the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from the Annenberg School of
Communications at the University of Pennsylvania.
Hoover is author of The Electronic Giant (Brethren Press), Mass Media
Religion: The Social Sources of the Electronic Church (Sage),
Religion in the News: Faith and Journalism in American Public
Discourse (Sage) and Religion in the Media Age (Routledge). He has
co-edited three collections, Religious Television: Controversies and
Conclusions (Ablex; with Robert Abelman), Rethinking Media, Religion,
and Culture (Sage; with Knut Lundby), and Practicing Religion in the
Age of the Media (Columbia University Press; with Lynn Schofield
Clark) and the forthcoming Fundamentalisms and the Media (with Nadia Kaneva).
He is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the journal Media
and Religion and founding co-chair of the Religion, Culture, and
Communication Program Unit at the American Academy of Religion.
Global Media, Global Religion: Research on Popular Media and the
Remaking of Religions
As we move further into the 21st Century, the media are playing an
ever more important role in religion and spirituality. The issue is
larger than how religion is covered by journalism, or how religions
are represented in television and films, as important as those things are.
All over the world, and in nearly all religions and religious
cultures, new ways of mediating, understanding, and experiencing
religion and spirituality are emerging. Blogs, YouTube, discussion
boards, Facebook and Twitter communities, digital publications of a
variety of kinds, and the whole emerging world of the social media,
are radically expanding the languages of religion and the contexts
within which religion and spirituality are understood and
experienced. The media, particularly in the digital age, are also
breaking down barriers between religions, making it possible for
religious "others" throughout the world to participate in global
discourses about religious symbols, meanings, and values.
This seminar will be led by Stewart Hoover and Nabil Echchaibi, two
of the world's leading researchers and scholars of religion and the
media. They have conducted research on the mediation of religion both
in the U.S. and internationally and have looked in particular at the
way the media are changing the religious cultures of Christianity and
Islam in the West, in the Middle East, and in the developing world.
The seminar will feature results of their research as well as their
thoughts about future developments, trends, and implications. There
will be ample time for interaction and discussion.
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