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Lutheran Communicators Win 2009 Derose-Hinkhouse Awards

Date Thu, 2 Apr 2009 10:37:50 -0500

Title: Lutheran Communicators Win 2009 Derose-Hinkhouse Awards

>April 2, 2009  

Lutheran Communicators Win 2009 Derose-Hinkhouse Awards

CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The Religion Communicators Council (RCC)
honored several Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)
communicators March 27 at its annual DeRose-Hinkhouse Memorial
Awards program in Boston. The Women of the ELCA video "Created in
the Image of God: A Community of Women" earned a Best of Class
distinction, as well as an Award of Excellence, for non-broadcast
audio and video. Mary La Plante, director for marketing, Women of
the ELCA, produced the video.

RCC recognized communicators for outstanding communication
projects in 10 general classes; Best of Class is the top honor in
each class.  RCC is an international interfaith association of
religion communicators in print and electronic communication,
marketing and public relations.

DeRose-Hinkhouse Memorial awards are given annually to
active RCC members who demonstrate excellence in religion
communication and public relations.  The awards are named in
honor of the late Victor DeRose and the late Paul M. Hinkhouse,
leading lithographers in New York and longtime friends of RCC.

RCC gives Awards of Excellence in several categories within
each class.  Other awards, such as Certificates of Merit and
honorable mentions, are also presented.

Staff of ELCA Communication Services received seven Awards
of Excellence:
+ Writing; Newspaper or Magazine News, Series: Melissa Ramirez
Cooper, "ELCA Leaders Express Concern Over Impact of Immigration
Raids, Visit Immigration Detention Centers"
+ Non-broadcast Audio and Video; Video,
Promotional/Informational, under 15 minutes: Brett Nelson, "After
the Floods"
+ Broadcast and Cable Audio and Video; Radio Program or Series:
Susan Greeley and Barbara Berry-Bailey, Grace Matters: "Tim Wise
-- Insulating Your Attic"
+ Broadcast and Cable Audio and Video; Broadcast/Cable TV
National Program: Ava Martin, "Native Nations: Standing Together
for Civil Rights"
+ Public Relations/Advertising Campaign; Advertising Campaign:
Kristi S. Bangert, "Hope" and "Dignity" television spots
+ Internet Communication; Web site: Paul Edison-Swift, Kristin
Koskinen, Tracie Watkins, David Scott, Len Mason, Ben McDonald
Coltvet, redevelopment
+ Internet Communication; Miscellaneous: Frank Imhoff, John
Brooks, Melissa Ramirez Cooper, "News Coverage: Women of the ELCA

Tim Frakes, Tim Frakes Productions, won an Award of
Excellence in video, documentary/educational for "Peace Not
Walls," a program he produced for the ELCA.

Jeanean Merkel, Lutheran Services in America, won an Award
of Excellence in public relations materials for the annual
report, "The Power of One."

Staff of Lutheran World Relief (LWR) won six Awards of
+ Periodicals; National Newsletter: Daniel Lee, "TOTO To Others,
Through Others: LWR's Quarterly Newsletter"
+ Public Relations Materials; Annual Report: Emily Sollie, 2007
LWR Annual Report
+ Public Relations Materials; Special Issue Publication: Daniel
Lee, Nikki Massie, Erik Piisila, "Fill the Bowl"
+ Graphic Design, Art and Photography; Design, Publication Cover:
Erik Piisila, "Fill the Bowl"
+ Graphic Design, Art and Photography; DVD Cover/Packaging: Erik
Piisila, "Justice, Dignity and Peace"
+ Non-broadcast Audio and Video; Video,
Documenentary/Educational, under 15 minutes: Emily Sollie, Daniel
Lee, Erik Piisila, "From Bean to Bar: The LWR Chocolate

Two of the eight ELCA seminaries took home Awards of
+ Public Relations Materials; Annual Report: James Walker, "2008
Annual Report of Donors," Lutheran Theological Seminary at
+ Graphic Design, Art and Photography; Logo/branding development:
The Rev. John Spangler, Katy Giebenhain, Seminary Ridge Press
logo, Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, Gettysburg,

Members of two of the ELCA's 10,448 congregations won Awards
of Excellence:
+ Periodicals, Single Issue; Magazine, Local or Regional:
Micholyn Fajen, "For Good" -- Fall/Winter 2008, St. John Lutheran
Church, Des Moines, Iowa
+ Public Relations/Advertising Campaign; Integrated Marketing
Campaign: Sharon Chapman, Kay Champagne, Mark Sullivan, Kari
Daelke, "Martin Marty Event at King of Glory," King of Glory
Lutheran Church, Dallas


The complete list of DeRose-Hinkhouse Memorial Award winners
is at on the Web.

For information contact:

John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or
ELCA News Blog:

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