From the Worldwide Faith News archives

re: SPAM-LOW: Wfn-editors Digest, Vol 12, Issue 19

From "" <>
Date Thu, 9 Apr 2009 00:21:49 -0600

HELLO BROTHEREN, to day APRIL-09--2009 What? know ye not that y our body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of  God, and ye are not your own?----1CORINTHIANS 6:19 We are God's very own, b eing redeemed by Him. Every Christian therefore should wear a sign in his h eart :"Not for Sale!" ESR KOTI REDDY, w 

-------------------------------------- --

Sent: Wednesday, April  08, 2009 9:24 PM
Subject: SPAM-LOW: Wfn- editors Digest, Vol 12, Issue 19 

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Today's Topics:

1. Ec umenical Patriarch Bartholomew Private Meeting with
President Obama (W orldwide Faith News)
(Worldwide Faith News)
3. [ELD] April 19 and 26 bulletin  inserts will 'Celebrate
Creation' (Matthew Davies)
4. Internation al Forum Commits to A Counter-Imperial Faith as it
Links Colombia's 'B leeding' To U.S. Agenda in Latin America
 5. Lutherans 'Make It Simple' during the economic downturn
6. ELCA teenagers hold dodge ball event to raise money for world 
hunger (NEWS@ELCA.ORG)

----------------------------------- -----------------------------------

Message: 1
Date: Tue, 0 7 Apr 2009 14:37:29 -0700
From: Worldwide Faith News 
Subject: Ec umenical Patriarch Bartholomew Private Meeting with
President Obama
Content-Type: text/plain;  charset="iso-8859-1"; format=flowed

8-10 East 79th St. New York, NY 10075-0106
Tel: (2 12) 570-3530 Fax: (212) 774-0237
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Stavros Papa germanos


NEW YORK ? His All  Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch 
Bartholomew had a private meeting today  with 
President Barack Obama. The meeting took place at 
the Con rad Hotel in Constantinople (modern day 
Istanbul) at approximately 9: 45 in the 
morning. His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of 
America  and the White House Chief of Staff, Rahm 
Emanuel, were present at th e meeting.
The meeting and ensuing discussion were marked 
by a s pirit of warm cordiality and mutual 
respect. The substance of the dis cussions 
included President Obama???s mention of the issue 
of t he Theological School of Halki in his speech 
before the Turkish Parli ament, and his further 
discussion of the same with the President of t he 
Turkish Republic, Abdullah Gul. The President 
said that he w ould follow up on the issue with a 
view to a favorable solution for t he Ecumenical Patriarchate.
His All Holiness Ecumenical 
Patriarc h Bartholomew made reference to the following points:
He made a convin cing and passionate argument for 
the speedy re-opening of the Theolog ical School 
of Halki, a basic need for the education and 
prepar ation of Clergy of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.
He emphasized the impo rtance of religious liberty 
and the guarantee of same for all minorit ies of Turkey.
He stated his well-known and long time support 
fo r the efforts of Turkey to join the European Union.
He noted the signi ficance of efforts made on 
behalf of the environment, adding informat ion on 
his own upcoming Ecological Symposium in the 
U.S.A. (Mis sissippi River) in October of 2009.
He thanked President Obama for thi s meeting and 
for his active interest in the pressing issues of the E cumenical Patriarchate.

His All Holiness mentioned that he had s ent to 
the President, through the local U.S. General 
Counsel, a n icon of the Prophet Baruch (patron of 
the President) with a handwri tten inscription. He 
also congratulated the President for the 
c hampionship victory of the University of North 
Carolina???s Basketbal l Team, which the President had chosen to win.

== 30 == 


Message: 2
Date:  Tue, 07 Apr 2009 14:38:33 -0700
From: Worldwide Faith News 
To: wfn-edi
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="is o-8859-1"; format=flowed

8-10 East 79th St. New York, NY 10075-0106
Tel: (212) 570-3530 F ax: (212) 774-0237
Web: - Email: communications@

Stavros Papagermanos

April 6, 2009


Affiliate Schedule Availab le Below

NEW YORK ? The video presentation of ???Pascha: 
T he Resurrection of Christ,??? a program 
highlighting Orthodox Christi an Pascha, or 
Easter, will broadcast on ABC affiliates 
nationwi de this month. The program, produced by 
Greek Orthodox Telecommunicat ions and sponsored 
by FAITH: An Endowment for Orthodoxy and 
Hel lenism, highlights Holy and Great Week, 
focusing on the deeply moving  and ancient 
services that recount the Gospel narrative 
leading  to the Death and Resurrection of 
Christ. Archbishop Demetrios of Ame rica leads a 
procession of the faithful around the church and 
o utside where, following the reading of the 
Gospel of the Resurrection , they proclaim the 
joyous hymn ???Christ is Risen!???

ABC  Network has released broadcast dates and 
times, with additional cove rage information to 
come in the coming week. You may log on 
to or ?PID=306 
for a complete listing (as of April 3) of ABC 
Affili ates by state. Please check the listing for 
exact date, time and stat ion. Please contact the 
Department of Communications (212.774.0244) i f you need assistance.

DVD copies of the program available for p re-sale 
($25, includes shipping). To pre-purchase please 
contac t the Department of Communications at 
212.774.0244 or email gotel@goa

Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
Department o f Communications


Messa ge: 3
Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2009 19:21:21 -0400
From: "Matthew Davies"  
Subject: [ELD] April 19 and 26 bulletin inserts will 'Celebrate
Content-Type: text/plain; cha rset="iso-8859-1"

Episcopal Life Daily
April 7, 2009

Episcopal Life Online is available at http://www.episcopalchurch.o rg/elife.

Today's Episcopal Life Daily includes:

* TO P STORY - April 19 and 26 bulletin inserts will 'Celebrate Creation'
*  TOP STORY - Episcopal Migration Ministries expresses sorrow over
Bing hamton shootings
* DIOCESAN DIGEST - NEW YORK: Prosecutors charge prie st with taking parish
* DIOCESAN DIGEST - QUINCY: Presiding  Bishop's visit invigorates
reorganizing diocese
* MISSION - Angl ican Jewish Commission meets, issues communiqu?
* PEOPLE - Lynette Wil son named Episcopal Life Media staff writer
* MULTIMEDIA - Presiding B ishop preaches Palm Sunday in Quincy diocese
* OPINION - Letters: Epis copal Life Monthly April 2009
* DAYBOOK - April 8, 2009: Today in Scri pture, Prayer, History
* CATALYST - Ethically Traded 100% Organic Cott on Clerical Shirt



April 19 and 26 bulletin inserts will 'Celebrate Creation'

[Episcopal News Service] Earth Day is April 22, and Episcopal Life 
Weekly bulletin inserts for the two Sundays surrounding that day will 
focus on "Celebrating Creation in Eastertide."

The insert  for April 19 discusses "new creation" and its biblical
roots in the re newal of both human communities and the environment in
which those com munities flourish.

The second insert in the set, for use on Apri l 26, focuses on the
problem of responsible use of water and its impor tance as a justice
issue. The insert quotes the recent pastoral letter  from the House of
Bishops, and outlines some of the difficulties of m eeting competing
demands for water from communities, agriculture and i ndustry.

The text for both inserts was written by the Rev. Phina  Borgeson, a
vocational deacon and environmental and science writer fo r Episcopal
News Service.

To download bulletin inserts in P DF format, click here: m

- - - - -

Episcopal Migration Ministries expresses  sorrow over Binghamton shootings

By ENS staff

[Episco pal News Service] Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM), the
refugee re settlement and immigrant assistance arm of the Episcopal
Church, has e xpressed "profound sorrow" over the April 3 shootings at
the American  Civic Association in Binghamton, New York. Thirteen
people died in the  attack at the immigrant community center, including
the assailant, Ji verly Wong, who committed suicide.

"This incident does not refle ct the spirit of the people of Binghamton
and Central New York who hav e historically demonstrated openness to
folks from around the world,"  said EMM director, Deborah Stein. "We
know that our churches and other  people of goodwill there will help
bring about healing and continue t o embrace the uprooted who seek
peace and freedom among them."
Until 2005, EMM assisted hundreds of refugees to restart and rebuild 
their lives in Binghamton through its affiliate Interfaith Works of 
Central New York (formerly the Inter-religious Council), headquartere d
in Syracuse.

Full story: 9901_106739_ENG_HTM.htm

More Top Stories: http://www.episcopalch



NEW YORK: Prosecutors charge priest with taking parish money

By Mary Frances Schjonberg

[Episcopal News Service] The  Rev. William Blasingame, 63, who resigned
in January as pastor of his toric St. Paul's Memorial Episcopal Church,
Stapleton, on Staten Islan d, New York has been charged with stealing
more that $84,000 from the  parish.

Full story: ENG_HTM.htm

- - - - -

QUINCY: Presiding Bishop's visi t invigorates reorganizing diocese

By Joe Bjordal

[Ep iscopal News Service] Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori's
vis it to the Diocese of Quincy April 4 and 5 brought with it ties to
the  larger church and meaningful symbolism that gave the diocese a big
emo tional boost. Not only did Jefferts Schori bring the prayers and
suppo rt of Episcopalians she represents in nine countries and parts of
Euro pe, but she came as the first female presiding bishop to a diocese
tha t has never ordained women.

Full story: http://www.episcopalchur

More Diocesan news: http://www.e


Anglican Jewish Commission meets, issues communiqu ?

[Episcopal News Service] The Anglican Jewish Commission, which 
convened for its third meeting March 24-25 in Jerusalem, has issued a 
communiqu?. The full text is available at

More Mission: http://www.episc



Lynette Wilson named Episcopal Life Media staff writer 

By ENS Staff

[Episcopal News Service] Lynette Wilson , editor of the Episcopal
Diocese of New York's print and online newsg athering operation, has
been named to the position of staff writer, Ep iscopal Life Media, the
Web and print-based news operation of the Epis copal Church, effective
May 1, according to communications director An ne Rudig and Solange De
Santis, editor, Episcopal Life Media.

Full story:

More People:



Presiding B ishop preaches Palm Sunday in Quincy diocese

[Episcopal News Ser vice] Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori
preached on Palm Sund ay at All Saints Church in Moline, Illinois, a
parish in the newly reo rganized Episcopal Diocese of Quincy. (Deputies
to a special April 4 d iocesan synod meeting unanimously elected new
leadership, approved a d iocesan budget and elected a provisional

Video: ht tp://

More Multimedia:

_______________ ______


Letters: Episcopal Life Monthly April  2009

[Episcopal News Service] Letters that appeared in the April  2009
edition of Episcopal Life Monthly are available at

Episcopal Life  welcomes letters, especially those with pictures, and
will give prefer ence to those in response to stories. Letters should
be no longer than  250 words and must include the writer's name,
address and phone numbe r for verification. Send to Letters, Episcopal
Life, 815 Second Ave.,  New York, NY 10017; or email to All letter s will be edited for brevity and

More Opinion: htt p://

__________________ ___


On April 8, 2009...

* Today in  Scripture:

* T oday in Prayer: Anglican Cycle of Prayer:
http://www.anglicancommunion .org/acp/index.cfm

* Today in History: On April 8, 1093, the new  Winchester Cathedral was
dedicated by Walkelin. Winchester Cathedral  is one of the largest
cathedrals in England, with the longest nave and  overall length of any
Gothic cathedral in Europe. It is dedicated to  the Holy Trinity, St.
Peter, St. Paul and St. Swithun and is the seat  of the Bishop of
Winchester and center of the Diocese of Winchester. 



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send an email to Save even more with a $50 
two-year subscription. Episcopal Life started in-depth coverage of
General Convention in January.


Message: 4
Date: Wed, 08 Apr 2009 20:10:14 +0800
From : "" 
Subject: International Forum Commits to A C ounter-Imperial Faith as it
Links Colombia's 'Bleeding' To U.S. Agenda  in Latin America
Message-ID: <49DC9426.2>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; fo rmat=flowed



 *International Forum Commits to A Counter-Imperial Faith as it Links 
 Colombia's 'Bleeding' To U.S. Agenda in Latin America*

/Manila,  Philippines - April 7, 2009/ ? The U.S. Empire is making a 
desperate  and brutal assault on the Colombian people to secure its 
traditional  hold over the Americas and over the globe, declare 
participants repre senting various faiths at an international forum held 
March 20-23 in  Bogot?, Colombia.

But a new spirituality is rising from the peop le's shared pain and 
struggle, noted delegates of /Peace for Life/'s  Second People's Forum as 
they celebrated the ?emergence of life in th e throes of U.S. imperial 
power? upon hearing powerful and inspiring  testimonies from Colombia's 
women, displaced indigenous people, mothe rs of the disappeared, 
Afro-Colombians, labor organizers, social acti vists and human rights 

They pledged to build on  this ?new spirituality of breath and life? to 
counter the religion o f empire which claims that Colombia's 'bleeding' 
and those of people  elsewhere are a necessary sacrifice for development 
and for globaliza tion. ?Too many Christian churches preach this 
theology, condoning th e sacrifice of the poor, or becoming complicit by 
their silence,? lam ented the People?s Forum in its closing declaration 
as it vowed to ?r eject this theology of sacrifice for imperial 
The People?s Forum also endorsed the Colombian people?s campaign for  a 
Humanitarian Agreement and Humanitarian Exchange which seeks to fre e the 
persons kidnapped by FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colomb ia) and 
the political prisoners being held by the government. The cam paign is 
led by /Colombians for Peace/ and opposition senator Piedad  C?rdoba, one 
of the keynote speakers at the forum.

/Peace  for Life /(PfL) organised the People?s Forum in partnership with 
/Pro yecto Justicia y Vida /and a group of Colombian NGOs and social 
movem ents. The gathering addressed the theme, ?Without Fear of Empire: 
Glo bal People?s Resistance?.

Participants coming from 25 countries  across the globe spent ten days in 
Colombia interacting with hundreds  of local activists and victims of 
military and paramilitary violence  under the Uribe regime. A four-day 
conference in Bogot? allowed them  to look deeper into the structural 
causes of the violence and armed  conflict that has gripped Colombian 
society for five decades.
The international delegation also had an opportunity to experience an d 
investigate first-hand the actual conditions of displaced and 
dispossessed Colombians during separate solidarity missions organized by  
the local hosts in Cali and Barrancabermeja.

Cali is Colo mbia?s third largest city and a developing industrial hub 
with a stro ng labor movement that continues to struggle for workers? 
rights and  against privatization. In Barrancabermeja, site of Colombia?s 
primary  oil refinery, hundreds of families have been displaced as a 
result o f armed conflict as government forces, paramilitaries and 
leftist gue rillas battle for political and economic control of the area.

In puts from local participants and resource persons described how 
Colom bian authorities regularly limit free assembly, break up unions, 
targ et women, harass homosexuals and prostitutes, foster unemployment 
thr ough firings to promote privatization, license ?social cleansing? 
pol icies that intimidate, torture, rape, imprison and frequently kill 
di ssident citizens, especially leaders seeking peaceful change.

Th rough these encounters with Colombian activists, the international 
pa rticipants witnessed how the Uribe government is falsely presenting 
i tself as supporting democratic institutions and structures, when in 
f act its widely touted ?Democratic Security? program masks state 
viole nce and often facilitates ?social cleansing? programs against 
disside nts.

These actions, according to local resource persons, support  a broader 
destructive policy of forced displacement and militarizati on within a 
system of power and wealth that serve mainly Colombia's e lite?three 
percent of the population that own at least half of the co untry's arable 
lands?and the U.S. interests that back them. A similar  vicious pattern 
exists in other countries allied with the U.S., obse rved the PfL delegation.

The forum?s local and international par ticipants shared a common 
analysis of Colombia's value for the U.S. E mpire: Colombia is the third 
largest Latin American supplier of oil t o the U.S., and its strategic 
geographical location in the region aff ords the U.S. the foothold it 
needs to secure its hegemony over the A mericas.

Local resource persons talked about the growth and cont inuing resistance 
of people's movements across Latin America and the  rise to power of 
progressive governments in such countries as Venezue la, Ecuador and 
Bolivia, further underscoring the urgency of tighter  U.S. control over 

But there are public officials , whom the international delegation met 
while in Colombia, who are ch allenging the lies and repression of the 
national government. The str ong presence and involvement of Colombian 
social movements in the for um also proved that there exists in Colombia 
a viable counter-force,  led especially by women, Afro-Colombians and 
indigenous leaders, whic h will challenge the empire?s agenda in the country.

The followi ng Colombian groups, led by human rights NGO /Proyecto 
Justicia y Vid a/, took part in organizing the forum: /Sociedad 
Latinoamericana de E conomia Politica y Pensamiento Critico (SEPLA); 
Colombianas y colombi anos por La Paz; Movimiento de Cristianos y 
Cristianas por la Paz; Co misi?n Interfranciscana de Justicia, Paz y 
Reverencia con la Creaci?n ; Movimiento de Maestros y Maestras; 
Movimiento Campesino Colombiano;  Movimiento Ind?gena Colombiano; 
Movimiento de V?ctimas de Cr?menes d el Sector Financiero; /and /Red 

Colombians are  bringing the same winds of change that have been blowing 
across Lati n America in the last decade, promising to end U.S. hegemony 
over the  Americas. ?We have shared in the mourning and rage of 
Colombians ami d their repression, but we are inspired and confident in 
the new day  that their struggle is bringing near,? said PfL coordinator, 
Carmenci ta Karagdag.

The People's Forum is a regular assembly of /Peace  for Life/, an 
international faith-based movement for peace and justic e. The First 
People?s Forum was held in the Philippines in 2004. 

*Carmencita Karagdag*
Coordinator, Peace for Li fe
2/F, BLVM Ecumenical Center, NCCP Compound
879 EDSA, West Tria ngle, Quezon City, Philippines 1104
Telephone/Fax: (+632) 9278043



Message:  5
Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2009 10:02:24 -0500
Subject: Luthe rans 'Make It Simple' during the economic downturn
Message-I D: 
Content-Type: text/plain

ELCA News Blog

Apri l 8, 2009 

Lutherans 'Make It Simple' during the economic downtu rn

by Melissa Ramirez Cooper, ELCA News Service

With  the economic crisis it's a good time for people to reassess
their life styles and assets, according to Keith Mundy, assistant
director for st ewardship, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
(ELCA). Mundy said e conomic downturns create anxiety and many
people feel like they are al one. Some move from a feeling of
contentment to wondering if there is  enough, which can initiate a
downward cycle of scarcity thinking.

To help people understand they are not alone in this time of
 recession and to recognize God's abundance, the ELCA has produced
"Mak e It Simple," a two-disc DVD resource that explores living
more simply  while offering an opportunity for people to learn to
"live generously ." It includes downloadable stewardship
materials and nine video segme nts that highlight the personal
stories of Lutherans. Mundy said for p eople "looking to
experience the joy of generosity, this resource prov ides three
events and three approaches to share." Each approach includ es an
introduction, leadership roles, calendar, sample materials and 
suggestions for using the video. There are specific materials
fo r children and youth. Make It Simple is available through
Augsburg For tress, Minneapolis, the publishing ministry of the
ELCA, and the ELCA  Web site.

"The resource can be especially helpful in these times  as people
face difficult decisions about career changes and managing  their
finances," Mundy said. "The resource is designed to help people 
assess their wants and needs, reducing clutter and complexity in
daily life," he said. "It's about asking questions like, 'Do we
nee d that extra television, computer or car? How can we reduce
our travel  or time shopping?' By discovering what enough is, we
discover God's a bundance and the opportunity to share with others
through our generosi ty."

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 3 80-2958 or
ELCA News Blog:


Message: 6
Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2009 11:00:20 -0500
Subject: ELCA teenagers hold dodge ball event to raise money for worl d
Content-Type: text/plain

ELCA News Blog

April 8, 2009 

ELCA teenagers  hold dodge ball event to raise money for world hunger

by Meliss a Ramirez Cooper, ELCA News Service

Some teenage Lutherans from  the Chicago area learned that every
3.6 seconds someone in the world d ies of hunger. "That's every
time you take a breath," according to Luk e Terrell, a member of
Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church in Chicago.  In an effort to
build awareness about ending world hunger, Terrell and  30 other
teenagers participated in a dodge ball tournament to raise m oney
for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) World
 Hunger Appeal.

Jake Kohlhaas, youth director at Edison Park Luth eran Church,
Chicago, said there were two goals for the fundraising ev ent.
"The first is to come out and have fun, and the second is to
learn about world hunger and the difference we can make," he
said.  Six Chicago-area congregations of the ELCA participated in
the event M arch 14 at Grace Lutheran Church, River Forest, Ill.,
and raised $400.  The event included a presentation about the
work of ELCA World Hunger , and participants played "Hunger
Jeopardy." Played like the televisio n game show "Jeopardy,"
Hunger Jeopardy is designed to educate, entert ain and test one's
knowledge about hunger. Watch a video of the event. 

Lutheran youth across the church are saying "no" to hunger and 
poverty through "Change the World" -- a 2009 challenge to raise
 $1 million for the ELCA World Hunger Appeal. To reach the goal,
each p articipant in the ELCA Youth Gathering is asked to bring
$30. The ELCA  Youth Gathering will bring together 37,000 high-
school-age and adult  Lutherans to New Orleans, July 22-26.

For information contact: 
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or
ELCA News Blog:


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