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Bishop Yvette Flunder To Receive MCC Clergy Credentials
Mon, 27 Apr 2009 19:42:47 EDT
>N E W S R E L E A S E
>>From Metropolitan Community Churches
>For Immediate Release: April 27, 2009
Bishop Yvette Flunder To Receive Clergy Credentials
in Denomination of Metropolitan Community Churches
May 3rd Event In Washington DC Another Step In Deepening
The Relationship Between MCC, The Fellowship, Says MCC Moderator
WASHINGTON, DC–Bishop Yvette Flunder, presiding bishop of The Fel lowship,
a movement of churches and faith leaders built on God's radically inclusi ve
love, will receive clergy credentials in Metropolitan Community Churches
during events in Washington, DC on Sunday, May 3, 2009.
Metropolitan Community Churches is the world's largest and oldest
Christian denomination with a primary affirming ministry to lesbians, gay s,
bisexuals, and transgender persons, along with their families, friends, and allies.
Bishop Flunder, an internationally-known preacher, educator, conference
speaker and singer, holds clergy credentials in the United Church of Chri st
and founded City of Refuge United Church of Christ in San Francisco in 19 91.
In 2003, she was consecrated Presiding Bishop of The Fellowship, a
multi-denominational movement of more than 50 churches and faith organiza tions in
the U.S. and Africa.
Rev. Flunder has served as a consultant to the Centers for Disease Contro l
and Prevention, the Congressional Black Caucus Health Brain Trust and the
Department of Health and Human Services. She is the past board president of
Justice and Witness Ministries for the United Church of Christ. Bishop
Flunder currently serves as a board member of the National Sexuality Reso urce
Center and is a trustee of Pacific School of Religion.
Rev. Elder Nancy Wilson, moderator of Metropolitan Community Churches,
said, "We share a deep connection with Bishop Flunder and The Fellowship; we
share a common calling and a common ministry of inclusive Christianity. In a
very real sense, she has been part of our movement for a long time." Both
The Fellowship and Metropolitan Community Churches offer positive,
welcoming ministry to the LGBT community and preach an inclusive gospel message.
For additional information on the intentional relationship-building
between the two faith organizations, read _"From Cooperation to Collabora tion:
Growing Relationship Between MCC and the Fellowship."_
( rtnersinJustice/MCCandThe
"In ordaining Bishop Flunder as clergy within Metropolitan Community
Churches, we affirm our trust in her ministry in the Fellowship," added Rev.
Wilson. "We know that the same Spirit that animates MCC animates the
Fellowship; we are one in Christ. We value Bishop Flunder's ministry, cel ebrate her
calling, and honor her contributions to us."
In remarks this week, Bishop Flunder noted, "For years I have deeply
appreciated the contribution of Metropolitan Community Churches to the 'J esus'
work of ending injustice everywhere. The justice work of MCC has not been
limited to extending God's Extravagant Grace to sexual minority communiti es;
it has also made a significant impact in bringing an end to racism, sexis m,
patriarchy and war. This is a Church that had its beginnings in the fire
of Pentecostalism and political awareness...Spirit and Truth. I am thrill ed
to embody a connection between the United Church of Christ, The Fellowshi p
and Metropolitan Community Churches...great justice movements of our time ."
Rev. Wilson indicated that she will also seek clergy credentialing with
The Fellowship "as part of our ongoing commitment to strengthen and deepe n
the relationship between our two movements."
Bishop Flunder is a graduate of the Ministry Studies and Master of Arts
programs at the Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, California, and hol ds
the Doctor of Ministry degree from San Francisco Theological Seminary, Sa n
Anselmo, California. She is the author of Where The Edge Gathers: Buildin g A
Community of Radical Inclusion.
MCC clergy credentials will be conferred upon Bishop Flunder during the 11
am worship service of Metropolitan Community Church of Washington, DC, 47 4
Ridge Street NW, Washington, DC 20001 where Rev. Dr. Charlie Arehart is
interim pastor. The occasion will mark the first time since 2005 that MCC has
extended extraordinary credentials, and the first during the tenure of
Rev. Nancy L. Wilson as MCC Moderator.
>( E N D )
>To Arrange Media Interviews
>With Bishop Yvette Flunder, Contact:
>Franzetta Houston
>Assistant to the Bishop
>Tel. (415) 350-3350
>E-mail: _TheFellowship@pacbell.net_ (
>To Arrange Media Interviews
>With Rev. Elder Nancy Wilson, Contact:
>Jim Birkitt
>Communications Director
>Metropolitan Community Churches
>Tel. (310) 625-4177
>E-mail: _info@MCCchurch.net_ (
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