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Fwd: WCC NEWS: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2010

From "WCC Media" <>
Date Thu, 07 Jan 2010 13:23:33 +0100

World Council of Churches - News Release

Contact: +41 22 791 6153 +41 79 507 6363

>For immediate release - 07/01/2010 12:29:32


During the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2010, Christians throughout  the world will be listening together to the promise and commission that  are part of Christ's final words before his ascension: "You are witnesses  of these things."

Traditionally celebrated between 18 and 25 January (in the northern  hemisphere) or at Pentecost (in the southern hemisphere), the Week of  Prayer enters into congregations and parishes all over the world.  Preachers are exchanged, and special ecumenical worship services are  arranged.

The production of the liturgical and biblical material for the week of  prayer is jointly coordinated since 1968 by the World Council of Churches  (Faith and Order Commission) and the Roman Catholic Church (Pontifical  Council for Promoting Christian Unity).

The theme for 2010 was chosen in Scotland, where churches were, at the  same time, preparing to celebrate the anniversary of the 1910 World  Mission Conference which marked the beginnings of the modern ecumenical  movement.

Resources for the week are available in English, French, German, Portuguese  and Spanish, and include an introduction to the theme; a suggested  ecumenical celebration which local churches are encouraged to adapt for  their own particular liturgical, social and cultural contexts; biblical  reflections and prayers for the "eight days"; and additional prayers from,  and an overview of the ecumenical situation in Scotland.

More information and the Brochure for the Week of Prayer for Christian  Unity:

More information on the Centenary of the World Missionary Conference:

Additional information:Juan Michel,+41 22 791 6153 +41 79 507 6363media@wcc

The World Council of Churches promotes Christian unity in faith, witness  and service for a just and peaceful world. An ecumenical fellowship of  churches founded in 1948, today the WCC brings together 349 Protestant,  Orthodox, Anglican and other churches representing more than 560 million  Christians in over 110 countries, and works cooperatively with the Roman  Catholic Church. The WCC general secretary is Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit,  from the [Lutheran] Church of Norway. Headquarters: Geneva, Switzerland.

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