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[ENS] Presiding Bishop urges Liberian Anglicans to 'help each child in this nation' / Bulletin inser

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Date Thu, 7 Jan 2010 16:34:31 -0500

>Episcopal News Service
>January 4, 2010

Episcopal News Service is available at

>Today's Episcopal News Service includes:

* TOP STORY - Presiding Bishop urges Liberian Anglicans to 'help each
child in this nation'
* TOP STORY - Bulletin inserts cover recent survey results, strategic  planning
* WORLD REPORT - ENGLAND: Archbishop of Canterbury reflects on
'terrible and grueling' decade
* WORLD REPORT - ENGLAND: Archbishop of York calls proposed Ugandan
law 'victimizing'
* PEOPLE - Services held for V. Nelle Bellamy, former Episcopal Church  archivist
* PEOPLE - Episcopal Relief and Development welcomes new board members
* OPINION - Find new ways to tell the gospel story
* DAYBOOK - January 5: Today in Scripture, Prayer, History
* CATALYST - The Story of the Other Wise Man



Presiding Bishop urges Liberian Anglicans to 'help each child in this  nation'

Jefferts Schori's visit is first official African tour

>By Lynette Wilson

[Episcopal News Service - Monrovia, Liberia] Precious Johnson, 22,
arrived at Trinity Cathedral here Jan. 3 expecting to see the
presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church. Johnson didn't expect to see
a woman.

"I was expecting a man," she said outside the cathedral following the
Eucharist. "I was excited to see a woman."

Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori preached and celebrated
Solemn High Mass for more than 1,500 people on the second Sunday after
Christmas at the cathedral in central Monrovia, the capital of
Liberia, a nation of nearly 3.5 million people on Africa's west coast.

At the invitation of the Episcopal Church of Liberia, Jefferts Schori
arrived there Jan. 2 for a weeklong stay. The visit marks the first
time Jefferts Schori has been the official guest of an African church.

Full story:

>- - - - -

Bulletin inserts cover recent survey results, strategic planning

The first editions of the new Episcopal News Service Weekly bulletin
inserts will deal with recent efforts by Episcopal Church leadership
to plan for the future through surveys and careful analysis of

Inserts for Jan. 10 cover the results of a strategic planning survey
taken last summer, which indicated that youth and young adults,
evangelism and elements of congregational life are top on
Episcopalian's suggestions for the future. A selection of comments
gleaned from the survey is also included.

For Jan. 17, inserts will give some details of a report by the House
of Deputies State of the Church Committee, a group that has existed
since 1808 and works continually to guide the ministry of the
Episcopal Church for coming years.

Bulletin inserts may be downloaded here.

More Top Stories:



ENGLAND: Archbishop of Canterbury reflects on 'terrible and grueling'  decade

[Episcopal News Service] In his annual British Broadcasting Corp. New
Years message, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams called on the
world to realize that "risk and suffering are everybody's problem, the
needs of our neighbors are the needs of the whole human family."

Full story:

>- - - - -

ENGLAND: Archbishop of York calls proposed Ugandan law 'victimizing'

>By Mary Frances Schjonberg

[Episcopal News Service] Archbishop of York John Sentamu, a native of
Uganda, recently said that proposed changes to that country's
anti-homosexuality laws victimize and diminish people.

Full story:

More World news:



Services held for V. Nelle Bellamy, former Episcopal Church archivist

[Episcopal News Service] V. Nelle Bellamy, 87, archivist for the
Episcopal Church for more than 30 years, died Dec. 23 in Knoxville,
Tennessee, and was buried on Dec. 30 after a memorial service at St.
John's Episcopal Church, Johnson City.

Full story:

>- - - - -

Episcopal Relief and Development welcomes new board members

Episcopal Relief and Development has announced the election of three
new members to its board of directors, effective Jan. 1: Pearl Chin of
the Diocese of New York (Province II; Sharon Hilpert, Dioceses of
Wyoming and California (Provinces V and VIII); and Tucker Moodey,
Diocese of Olympia (from Province VIII).

Full story:

More People:



>Find new ways to tell the gospel story

>By Katharine Jefferts Schori

[Episcopal News Service] You will read this as our news coverage of
the Episcopal Church makes a major transition from a print-primary
presence to publishing primarily through electronic media. This shift
has been in the works since before the last General Convention. Some
of you will find little difference as this change works itself
through, continuing to receive a diocesan and churchwide newspaper
delivered through the U.S. Postal Service. In other cases, a diocesan
paper edition may shift to online media and/or cease paper production

In part, this shift recognizes the financial and ecological burdens of
producing a monthly newspaper that is mailed to subscribers. In part,
this shift recognizes what is happening all around us, as information
sharing becomes far more rapid and immediate than the capabilities of
print media. More and more people receive their news electronically
rather than in the morning newspaper - though I must admit I haven't
yet figured out how to conveniently read an online morning paper over

Full article:

More Opinion:



>On January 5, 2010...

* Today in Scripture:

* Today in Prayer: Anglican Cycle of Prayer:

* Today in History: On January 5, 1976, the new Diocese of Cyprus and
the Gulf was formally established with the consecration of Leonard
Ashton as its bishop.



"The Story of the Other Wise Man" from Paraclete Press, by Henry Van
Dyke, 47 pages, hardcover, c. 2008, $14.95

[Paraclete Press] Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar had agreed to wait
ten days for Artaban, one of the Persian magi, to journey from his
home in Ecbatana. But they could wait no longer, for they had to leave
to pay homage to the new born King of Israel, whom the stars had

Henry van Dyke first read The Story of The Other Wise Man aloud to his
New York congregation after writing it in 1896. Since then it has been
published in many languages and for all ages, each time touching
readers with its moving story of the wise man who spent his life
searching for the promised king.

>Makes an excellent Epiphany gift!

To order, please visit Episcopal Books and Resources online at, call 800-903-5544, or visit your
local Episcopal bookstore.

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