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[ENS] MINNESOTA: Priest's pop art challenges contemporary stereotypes, recalls church history

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Date Tue, 12 Jan 2010 06:48:26 -0500

>Episcopal News Service
>January 8, 2010

Episcopal News Service is available at

>Today's Episcopal News Service includes:

* DIOCESAN DIGEST - MINNESOTA: Priest's pop art challenges
contemporary stereotypes, recalls church history
* MISSION - Episcopal Relief and Development celebrates 2009  accomplishments
* PEOPLE - Virginia Seminary announces appointment of new field
education director
* ARTS - Recycled-glass art enlivens classrooms
* DAYBOOK - January 11: Today in Scripture, Prayer, History
* CATALYST - The Turnaround Church



MINNESOTA: Priest's pop art challenges contemporary stereotypes,
recalls church history

By Pat McCaughan

[Episcopal News Service] Pop art is one way the Rev. Robert Two Bulls
delivers a powerful message about persistent Native American
stereotypes as well as painful chapters in church history.

Full story:

More Diocesan news:



Episcopal Relief and Development celebrates 2009 accomplishments

>By ENS Staff

[Episcopal News Service] Episcopal Relief and Development said Jan. 7
that its two major achievements in 2009 were the implementation of a
new strategic plan and the adoption of Episcopal Relief & Development

Full story:

More Mission:



Virginia Seminary announces appointment of new field education director

[Virginia Theological Seminary - Alexandria, VA] - The board of
trustees of Virginia Theological Seminary has elected the Rev. Canon
Dr. Allison St. Louis (VTS '00) to the faculty of the seminary as
director of field education and the Second Three Years program,
according to a release from the seminary.

Full story:

More People:



>Recycled-glass art enlivens classrooms

>By Robin Garr

[Episcopal News Service] They say one person's trash is another's
treasure. St. Matthew's Episcopal Church in Louisville, Kentucky,
exhibits evidence that one person's trash is everyone's treasure. The
folk art adorning the school classrooms is painted on discarded
windows and recycled cardboard.

The artist, Lauren Becker, is the director of the parish's new
community preschool. While her profession is education and
mathematics, her passion has been art since she was young.

Full story:

More Arts:



>On January 11, 2010...

* Today in Scripture:

* Today in Prayer: Anglican Cycle of Prayer:

* Today in History: On January 11, 1986, Edmond Lee Browning was
consecrated as the 24th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church.



"The Turnaround Church" from The Alban Institute, by Mary Louise
Gifford, Foreword by Thomas G. Long, 97 pages, paperback, c. 2009, $17

[The Alban Institute] The Turnaround Church is the story of Wollaston
Congregational Church, a 130-year-old congregation that once was
thriving in ministry, membership, mission, music, and money. For half
a century, however, the church had slowly declined and was considering
closing its doors. The two dozen remaining members knew they had to
change, but did not know how. They had very little money left, but
they were willing to risk it all. With few resources, members hired
Mary Louise Gifford, a new seminary graduate, to be their full-time
minister. Wollaston is now a vibrant, Spirit-filled faith community --
a turnaround church. Changes in worship, stewardship, and priorities,
combined with the congregation's resilience and Gifford's optimistic
leadership, have transformed this church. Gifford tells us how.

To order, please visit Episcopal Books and Resources online at, call 800-903-5544, or visit your
local Episcopal bookstore.

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