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[ENS] ALASKA: Diocese announces four nominees for next bishop
Tue, 12 Jan 2010 06:48:57 -0500
>Episcopal News Service
>January 11, 2010
Episcopal News Service is available at
>Today's Episcopal News Service includes:
* DIOCESAN DIGEST - ALASKA: Diocese announces four nominees for next bishop
* WORLD REPORT - MALAYSIA: Christians flock to worship amid attacks on churches
* WORLD REPORT - CANADA: Canterbury's observers see challenge, hope in
attempt to resolve same-gender issues
* OPINION - In marriage, couples still hold the power
* DAYBOOK - January 12: Today in Scripture, Prayer, History
* CATALYST - A Paradise Built in Hell - The Extraordinary Communities
that Arise in Disaster
ALASKA: Diocese announces four nominees for next bishop
>By Pat McCaughan
[Episcopal News Service] The Episcopal Diocese of Alaska
( has chosen four priests to stand for
election as its next bishop.
The candidates are:
* The Rev. Canon Virginia Doctor, canon to the ordinary, Diocese of
Alaska, and assisting vicar, St. James' Mission, Tanana;
* The Very Rev. Mark Lattime, rector of St. Michael's Episcopal
Church, Geneseo, New York (Diocese of Rochester);
* The Very Rev. Timothy W. Sexton, provost and canon administrator,
Cathedral Church of St. Andrew, Honolulu (Diocese of Hawaii);
* The Rev. Suzanne Elizabeth Watson, congregational development
officer, Episcopal Church Center, New York.
Full story:
More Diocesan news:
MALAYSIA: Christians flock to worship amid attacks on churches
[Ecumenical News International] Churches in Malaysia were full of
worshipers despite attacks against Christian places of worship in
recent days in a dispute about the use of the word "Allah" by
non-Muslim minorities.
"People's faith is greater than what's happening around [them] so they
continue to go to church and pray for themselves as well as for the
nation," said the Rev. Hermen Shastri, the general secretary of the
Council of Churches of Malaysia, on Jan. 10, the Agence France-Presse
news agency reported.
Full story:
>_ _ _ _ _
CANADA: Canterbury's observers see challenge, hope in attempt to
resolve same-gender issues
[Episcopal News Service] There is "general pessimism" among bishops of
the Anglican Church of Canada church's upcoming General Synod in
Halifax this June.
According to a recent Anglican Journal report, this is one of the many
observations recently made by two pastoral visitors from the United
Kingdom who were deputized by the Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan
Williams. They were invited to attend the four-day meeting of the
House of Bishops last November in Niagara, Ontario, at the request of
Archbishop Williams, who is seeking ways to heal divisions among the
provinces of the Anglican Communion.
Full story:
More World news:
>In marriage, couples still hold the power
A friend recently told me about a wedding she attended that began with
the bride and groom issuing a lengthy apology for entering an
institution that continues to be so unjust for gays and women (the
bride was a prominent feminist). It didn't exactly make for a very
upbeat wedding, we agreed, but we got her point. Hadn't we both felt
apologetic about entering the institution of marriage for those same
reasons? And, moreover, didn't we both want a way to convey that to
everyone else?
Full story:
More Opinion:
On January 12, 2010, the church remembers Aelred, Abbot of Rievaulx.
* Today in Scripture:
* Today in Prayer: Anglican Cycle of Prayer:
* Today in History: On January 12, 1992, the Episcopal Diocese of
Pennsylvania named the Church of the Saviour in Philadelphia as its
official cathedral.
"A Paradise Built in Hell - The Extraordinary Communities that Arise
in Disaster" from Penguin Group, by Rebecca Solnit, 353 pages,
hardcover, c. 2009, $27.95
[Penguin Group] Why is it that in the aftermath of a disaster --
whether manmade or natural -- people suddenly become altruistic,
resourceful, and brave? What makes the newfound communities and
purpose many find in the ruins and crises after disaster so joyous?
And what does this joy reveal about ordinarily unmet social desires
and possibilities?
In A Paradise Built in Hell, award-winning author Rebecca Solnit
explores these phenomena, looking at major calamities from the 1906
earthquake in San Francisco through the 1917 explosion that tore up
Halifax, Nova Scotia, the 1985 Mexico City earthquake, 9/11, and
Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. She examines how disaster throws
people into a temporary utopia of changed states of mind and social
possibilities, as well as looking at the cost of the widespread myths
and rarer real cases of social deterioration during crisis. This is a
timely and important book from an acclaimed author whose work
consistently locates unseen patterns an meanings in broad cultural
To order, please visit Episcopal Books and Resources online at, call 800-903-5544, or visit your
local Episcopal bookstore.
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