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Middle East Protestants work together in troubled region
Worldwide Faith News <>
Wed, 13 Jan 2010 08:07:15 -0800
World Alliance of Reformed Churches
News Release
13 January 2010
Middle East Protestants work together in troubled region
Christian unity in the Middle East is an oasis of hope in the midst of
difficult circumstances says a senior Protestant leader. In an address
to church leaders from the region, Setri Nyomi, General Secretary of
the World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC), praised cooperative
efforts to minister to victims of violence and economic deprivation.
"While the tendency in the face of difficult circumstances is for
Christians to yield to fragmentation and division, you have remained
together," Nyomi told delegates to the 6th General Assembly of the
Fellowship of Middle East Evangelical Churches (FMEEC) held in
Harissa, Lebanon earlier this week.
The FMEEC is an association of Protestant churches working to promote
leadership training, run church-related schools and support programmes
for women in churches from Sudan to Iran.
Protestant Christians who represent 0.5 per cent of the regionâ??s
population play a significant role in education (secondary schools,
colleges and seminaries), medical services and publishing, despite
their small numbers.
In 2006 the Fellowship helped broker an agreement among Lutheran and
Reformed Churches in the Middle East and North Africa. The accord
signed in Amman, Jordan establishes the basis for closer cooperation
among the churches through the mutual recognition of their sacraments
including baptism, ministry and the ordination of clergy.
During briefings from representatives of Reformed churches in Egypt,
Iran and Iraq, Nyomi was told that while in some contexts Christians
and Muslims are working collaboratively, in other contexts Christians
have been victims of violence and discrimination.
Security concerns and lack of employment opportunities are causing
Christians to leave the region in increasing numbers. In May 2009, the
New York Times reported that Jerusalem was approximately one-fifth
Christian in 1948 but today that number stands at two per cent. A
region that a century ago was 20 per cent Christian is now about five
per cent with the figures still dropping fast, according to some observers.
"This phenomenon is claiming the cream of the Christian
community", says Nyomi.
Representatives from Iraq report that the security situation post-2003
is worse than before the war started in March 2003. Many of the
economy activities which sustain ordinary people have come to a
standstill. They note that whereas before the war there were five
active and vibrant Presbyterian congregations, now only three of the
congregations can be said to be active.
Nyomi heard that the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Iran continues
to stand faithful in the midst of some great challenges. However, it
too is now experiencing the effects of emigration.
The Evangelical Church of Egypt, Synod of the Nile, reports having
experienced discrimination over many years. The recent wave of
violence against Christians has resulted in the burning of churches
and targeting of Christians and Christian leaders.
"We deplore such violence and call on the Government of Egypt to
take every step possible to provide security for all the people of
Egypt", says Nyomi.
The World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC) brings together 75
million Reformed Christians in 214 churches in 107 countries - united
in their commitment to making a difference in a troubled world. The
WARC general secretary is Rev. Dr. Setri Nyomi of the Evangelical
Presbyterian Church, Ghana. WARC's secretariat is based in Geneva, Switzerland.
Mrs Kristine Greenaway
Executive Secretary, Communications
World Alliance of Reformed Churches
150 Route de Ferney
P.O. Box 2100
1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland
tel. +41.22 791 6243
fax: +41.22 791 6505
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