From the Worldwide Faith News archives

RCCongress 2010 Early Bird Registration EXTENDED to March 1

From Worldwide Faith News <>
Date Wed, 20 Jan 2010 10:15:03 -0800

Religion Communication Congress 2010
April 7-10, 2010 | Chicago

Issue: #15 January 20, 2010

RCCongress 2010 Early Bird Registration EXTENDED

Religion Communication Congress 2010: April 7-10, 2010 in Chicago

Good news! We have extended the early bird registration deadline to March 1.

If you haven't already registered for this once-decade religion
communication event, REGISTER NOW as the price will rise $25 after March 1.

If you have already registered, please forward this e-mal to your
friends and colleagues and share the discount.

Triage: Dr. James Orbinski's Humanitarian Dilemma to be Feature Film

James Orbinski -A special showing of the film, Triage: Dr. James
Orbinski's Humanitarian Dilemma is scheduled for RCCongress 2010. The
film follows Orbinski to Somalia, Rwanda and Congo and captures the
haunting choices doctors must make as they race against time with
limited resources.

We are witnessing such haunting choices again following the earthquake
in Haiti as relief workers make wrenching split-second decisions as to
who gets treatment, food and water; in effect, who lives and who dies.

"Access to water is the most significant and immediate need for the
survivors," said Dr. James Orbinski in an interview with the Toronto
Star. "Ensure clean, safe drinking water is available and you ensure
that the impact of the earthquake is not compounded by the spread of
more than a dozen easily combated diseases... the greatest challenge
is the logistical access to the site of the devastation."

Orbinski is the former international president of Médecins Sans
Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) and accepted the 1999 Nobel Peace
Prize on behalf of the organization. The film and Dr. James Orbinski's
presence at RCCongress 2010 is sponsored by the World Association for
Christian Communication (WACC).

RCCongress 2010 Workshops to Address Crises

Manya Brachear

Anuttama Dasa

Rajyashri Waghray

Many of the Religion Communication Congress 2010 cooperating
organizations are involved in the relief work trying to meet the many
needs of the Haitian people following the severe earthquake that
struck the island nation of Haiti on January 12.

Religion communicators are also working hard to get the word out about
people affected and disaster response efforts by the faith-based community

Every communicator will face a crisis situation at some time.
RCCongress 2010 is offering several workshops that can help with the
skills needed to deal with those times.

Consider the following:

Manya A. Brachear - What Makes a "Good" Religion Story Today

Anuttama Dasa - In the Spotlight: A Media Training Workshop

Rajyashri S. Waghray - Words Can Move Mountains: Successfully
Communicating Advocacy Issues

See the Workshops list for descriptions and schedule. Additional
workshops will be announced as they are confirmed.

Tony Blair to Bring Greetings

Tony Blair, humanitarian and former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom,
has recorded a special message for RCCongress participants exploring
the future of religious communication.

"I feel very privileged to be part of this event as multi-faith
collaboration is the central aim of my foundation," Blair said.

Visit the RCCongress 2010 Newsletter Archive to read previous issues.

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