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[LCMSNews] Assessment team enters Haiti

From "LCMS e-News" <>
Date Sat, 23 Jan 2010 18:10:12 -0600

>	LCMS News	 	

>THE LUTHERAN CHURCH Missouri Synod  	 	


	January 23, 2010 .................... LCMSNews -- No. 7

LCMS Assessment Team enters Haiti, meets with Kessa

>By Kim Plummer Krull

An LCMS assessment team crossed from the Dominican Republic into Haiti
in the early hours of Jan. 22 and met with Evangelical Lutheran Church
of Haiti President Rev. Marky Kessa at a local police station.

Team member Dr. Jorge Groh, LCMS World Mission regional director for
Latin America, reported that as the group entered Port-au-Prince,
"slowly we start to see the effects of the [earthquake] jolting."

The team left the police station with Kessa and four other Haitian
pastors and trekked toward Port-au-Prince. The team, coordinated by LCMS
World Relief and Human Care and LCMS World Mission, tentatively plans to
take medical supplies and tents requested by Kessa into devastated
Port-au-Prince, where thousands of homeless Haitians are living on

"The Haitian police have promised to provide security, and will
accompany us into Port-au-Prince," said Rev. Glenn Merritt, LCMS World
Relief and Human Care director of disaster response and a member of the
assessment team.  Merritt said he is eager to talk with the Haiti church
president to learn how the LCMS can best assist its partner church in
meeting the needs of congregations and communities shattered by the Jan.
12 earthquake.

>"We ask for your prayers," Merritt said.

The assessment team also includes: Dr. Douglas Rutt, former LCMS World
Mission area secretary for Latin America; Dr. John Lautenschlager, a
medical and health relief consultant; James Neuendorf, LCMS World
Mission communications specialist and missionary for Latin America; and
Chaplain Steve Lee, a critical incident stress specialist.

The team spent the night of Jan. 21 in a vacant house near the Good
Samaritan Hospital in Jimani in the Dominican Republic. The hospital has
served as the base for LCMS relief efforts since the earthquake. They
were picked up by Kessa and four other Haitian pastors.

Two additional LCMS teams also continue their work in the Dominican
Republic. Immediately after the earthquake, the Dominican Republic
Mission and Medical team began working to provide medical care and
secure emergency supplies for Haitian refugees. Team members include
Rev. Ted Krey and fellow missionaries based in the Dominican Republic
with LCMS World Mission, as well as local doctors.

A 13-person Mercy Medical Team (MMT) of volunteers from the United
States also has been treating a flood of patients at the Good Samaritan
Hospital since Jan. 19. Plans are in the works to send additional MMTs,
coordinated by LCMS World Relief and Human Care, perhaps as soon as Jan.

According to published reports, the 7.0-magnitude earthquake killed an
estimated 200,000 people, injured 250,000, and left some 2 million
homeless in this impoverished nation of 9 million.

On behalf of The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod, LCMS World Relief and
Human Care (the mercy arm of the LCMS) is working cooperatively with
LCMS World Mission (the mission sending arm of the LCMS), LCMS
congregations and districts, and U.S. and international partners to
provide immediate and long-term relief for the people of Haiti and the
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Haiti.

To make a gift to help with earthquake relief in Haiti, click here
<> , call
toll-free 888-930-4438, or mail donations marked "Haiti Earthquake
Relief" to LCMS World Relief and Human Care, P.O. Box 66861, St. Louis,
MO 63166-6861.

Kim Plummer Krull is a freelance writer and a member of St. Paul's
Lutheran Church, Des Peres, Mo.


If you have questions or comments about this LCMSNews release, contact
Joe Isenhower Jr. at
<>  or (314) 996-1231, or Paula Schlueter
Ross at <>  or (314)



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