From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Mini-church with lofty goals shares the gospel through social services
"Taiwan Church News" <>
Tue, 26 Jan 2010 12:03:26 -0800
> Taiwan Church News
>3021 Edition
>January 18~24, 2010
Mini-church with lofty goals shares the gospel through social services
>Reported by Chiou Kuo-rong
>Written by Lydia Ma
A mini-church with no more than 10 people meeting
regularly every Sunday has made a commitment to
God that it will build a national social services network
to help disadvantaged people in society. The church’s
vision is to draw Taiwanese people to Christ through
>such a ministry.
Holy Church will formally establish “Holy Love
Association” soon and is currently in the process of
getting a permit from the government. If all goes well,
the association will begin operations on February 2
>this year, just before Chinese New Year.
Founded in August 2009, Holy Church is located on an
alley near in Fu Ren Catholic University in Taipei. The
church’s founding vision is to share the gospel by
helping financially strapped families and students
>through Holy Love and generous donations from
Despite a straightforward goal and vision, the church
still has many hurdles ahead. For example, when
expenses such as rent and utilities were factored in
last year, the church recorded a NT$250,000 deficit
>due to insufficient donations.
>Though the church may be super small and its
resources scarce, it has not given up just because of
dire circumstances. The church’s pastor, Chen Yen-fu,
believes that the most effective way of sharing the
gospel is to minister to the powerless in society,
>namely orphans, widows, and disabled people.
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