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United Church of Christ Launches New Magazine "StillSpeaking"
Worldwide Faith News <>
Tue, 26 Jan 2010 09:13:02 -0800
Introducing StillSpeaking Magazine
Written by Staff reports
January 26, 2010
The United Church of Christ is launching a subscription campaign for
its new high-end-design StillSpeaking Magazine, an oversized,
full-color publication that will debut in late April.
The 88-page StillSpeaking Magazine will be published twice annually in
Spring and Fall. An inaugural, three-year subscription is $29 if
purchased before July 1. After that date, subscriptions will be $39
each. Order online at
"StillSpeaking Magazine promises to be a full-sensory experience for
readers, with compelling writing and expert photography that will
communicate stories of inclusion, involvement, transformation and the
best aspirations of the UCC, its members and its churches," said the
Rev. J. Bennett Guess, the UCC's director of communications. "We're
being very clear that this is not a newsmagazine. Instead, we want a
quality feature publication that tells moving accounts of our people
and the ways their lives have been impacted by the UCC."
The UCC's hard news will continue to be offered online at
and through its weekly e-zine, Keeping You ePosted.
When United Church News ceased distribution of its print edition last
September, Guess said the comment most often heard at the UCC's
national offices was regret that readers would miss the sense of "holy
intrusion" they often experienced every time the periodical arrived in
their mailboxes.
"What people said they would miss most about United Church News was
something that a newsprint-quality newspaper was never intended to
be," Guess said, "so we decided to develop a new from-scratch
publication that will inspire, encourage and speak equally to our
loyal members as well as our potential ones."
StillSpeaking Magazine will be successful, Guess said, if it is
substantial and attractive enough that people will not only read it,
but display it and pass it along to others. "Our hope is that
individuals will willingly subscribe and churches will buy extra
copies in bulk to distribute to newcomers," he said.
Guess will serve as the magazine's publisher. The Rev. Gregg Brekke is
editor. The UCC's next quarterly all-church mailing will include
promotional materials for use in churches.
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