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UCC members continue Haiti fundraising efforts
Worldwide Faith News <>
Wed, 27 Jan 2010 12:57:36 -0800
A great outpouring, UCC members continue Haiti fundraising efforts
Written by Jeff Woodard
January 26, 2010
The overwhelming outpouring of generosity from United Church of Christ
members and congregations to earthquake-ravaged Haiti continues to set
new standards, according to church leaders. As of noon Tuesday (Jan.
26), more than $560,000 had been raised by the UCC Haiti Earthquake
Relief Fund, according to Susan M. Sanders, UCC's minister for global
sharing of resources.
"The total of $566,246 includes $359,245 that has been raised through
online contributions," says Sanders. The two-week total is more than
double the $250,603 raised during the first six days following the
Jan. 12 disaster.
Creative initiatives from UCC entities are also taking shape.
Retirement Housing Foundation (RHF) in California has issued a $50,000
match grant to encourage employees to donate; an employee campaign at
Advocate Health Care in Chicago is sharing proceeds with both the UCC
and Evangelical Lutheran Churches of America (ELCA); First United
Church of Christ in Hampton, Va., is planning a benefit concert for
Haiti on Feb. 21; and the youth group of Mountain Rise UCC in
Fairport, N.Y., voted to donate the $1,720.25 it recently raised
through Christmas wreath sales.
In addition, Beecher Memorial UCC in New Orleans has sent a first
offering of $629 and has pledged to receive a special Haiti offering
the first Sunday of each month in 2010. In a letter to UCC Wider
Church Ministries, the Rev. Juan R. Thomas, Senior Pastor at Beecher
Memorial, wrote: "The citizens of New Orleans and the members of
Beecher Memorial UCC, who 4½ years after Hurricane Katrina continue to
rebuild from devastation, destruction and pain, are deeply affected by
what we have seen in Haiti."
Haiti is receiving millions of dollars in emergency aid at a time when
it owes a huge debt to the international community. Jubilee USA
Network, a leading advocate of nations in debt, is joining a global
call for Haiti's $1-billion-plus debt to be waived.
"For Haiti to have a solid chance at a strong recovery, and to build
back better, its debt must be forgiven," says Sanders. Adds Neil
Watkins, Executive Director of Jubilee USA, "The international
community cannot possibly expect Haiti to pay back a loan for
emergency relief in the wake of this disaster."
Checks payable to United Church of Christ marked for Haiti may be sent
to: UCC, Haiti Earthquake Relief Fund; 700 Prospect Avenue, Cleveland,
OH 44115-1100.
Online gifts are still being accepted at the Haiti
Earthquake Relief donation page. All gifts received by the UCC Haiti
Earthquake Relief Fund will be used for relief and rehabilitation
initiatives. Administrative costs are being covered by UCC members'
contributions to Our Churches Wider Mission (OCWM).
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