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Feb 14 named remembrance day for Coptic martyrs

From Philip Jenks <>
Date Thu, 28 Jan 2010 15:43:09 -0500

February 14 designated as a day of remembrance
for Coptic Orthodox killed in Nag Hammadi, Egypt

New York, January 28, 2010 -- Coptic Orthodox Christians are asking their s isters and brothers in other churches to join in a day of prayer and rememb rance February 14 following the January murders of six young Coptic Orthodo x men in Nag Hammadi Egypt.

Seven people were murdered -- six Coptic Orthodox Christians and a Muslim p olice officer -- following a midnight Divine Liturgy January 7 in Nag Hamma di, Qena, in Upper Egypt. (The Coptic Orthodox Church celebrates Christmas  following the old Julian and Coptic Calendars.)

According to press reports, riots then erupted during the funeral processio ns for the six Coptic Orthodox seven victims of the massacre.

Bishoy M. Mikhail, Ecumenical Officer of the Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate o f Alexandria, Archdiocese of North America, wrote that the six young Coptic  Orthodox men "died simply for being Christians."

In a message to other Christians, Mikhail wrote: "My home parish, St. Mark  Coptic Orthodox Church of Cleveland (, will desi gnate Sunday, February 14, 2010 as a Day of Prayer and Remembrance for the  Coptic Martyrs of Nag Hammadi. I would humbly ask you and your churches to  join us in this day with your prayers for the Christians of Egypt as a sign  of solidarity and support.  This day is the closest Sunday to the traditio nal 40 day memorial following their tragic murders."
The full text of Mikhail's message follows:

"And they cried with a loud voice, saying, 

"How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on t hose who dwell on the earth?" Rev. 6:10

"And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes." Rev. 7-17

>Dear Fathers, Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

I greet you all with best wishes for a blessed new year.  As many of you ar e aware, last week the Coptic Orthodox Christians of Egypt faced another br utal attack and witnessed the murders of six young men as they left their c hurch in Nag Hammadi in Upper Egypt on Christmas eve following the Divine L iturgy of the Feast of the Nativity.

These young men -- Pola, Abanoub, Zakaria, Ayman, Mina and Bishoy -- died s imply for being Christians.  A Muslim police officer was also killed in the  attack.  My home parish, St. Mark Coptic Orthodox Church of Cleveland, wil l designate Sunday, February 14, 2010 as a Day of Prayer and Remembrance fo r the Coptic Martyrs of Nag Hammadi. I would humbly ask you and your church es to join us in this day with your prayers for the Christians of Egypt as  a sign of solidarity and support.  This day is the closest Sunday to the  t raditional 40 day memorial following their tragic murders.

Addressing his flock at his weekly meeting at the Grand Cathedral of St. Ma rk in Cairo following the tragedy, His Holiness Pope Shenouda III, Pope of  Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark told the people of Nag Hamm adi and the world that the news of these shootings made him feel as if each  bullet was shooting him, that the pain and mourning of the families was hi s pain and mourning.  His Holiness described the young victims as true mart yrs who having participated in the Holy Eucharist were killed for no other  reason than being Christians.  He said their blood sanctified the ground th ey fell to, and that Nag Hammadi has entered history as a city of martyrdom .  He called the freedoms of life and worship basic and fundamental human r ights.  His Holiness emotionally referred to the killing of the righteous A bel and quoted Genesis 4:10: "And He said, "What have you done? The Voice o f your brother's blood cries out to Me from the ground."

As you know, the Copts are the Christians of Egypt, the descendants of the  Ancient Egyptians and the sons of the Pharaohs. Egypt was Coptic long befor e the Arab Conquest and the Copts of Egypt are the indigenous inhabitants o f the land. My church, the Coptic Orthodox Church, is the largest and oldes t in Egypt, however, we are joined in our struggles by our sisters and brot hers of various churches in Egypt, all who face the same difficulties and t ribulations.

The freedoms of religion and worship are fundamental human rights which mus t be protected. Religious tolerance in our troubled times must be promoted  and defended by all.  The Copts are citizens of Egypt, tax-paying, loyal an d patriotic citizens who must be afforded the complete and fully protected  rights of their Muslim neighbors.  Decades of pleasantries and ignorance of  growing hate have lead to the current catastrophes which are not isolated  and are repeated year after year.  Anti-Christian attacks have been on the  rise since the early-1970s and have escalated.  When we remember the new ma rtyrs of Nag Hammadi, we also remember those who were killed before them an d never received justice. We recall the events of El Khanka, El Zawya el Ha mra, Assiut, Abu Qurqas, El Kosheh, Dayrut, Alexandria, El Odayisat and  th e dozens of other attacks and all those who have died simply for being Chri stians.

My personal request is that you spread the word and consider forwarding thi s email to your friends and other churches to join us in prayer on Sunday,  February 14, 2010 as a Day of Prayer and Remembrance for the Coptic Martyrs  of Nag Hammadi.

I wish to thank all those churches and religious and civic leaders, includi ng H.H. Pope Benedict XVI, the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian U nity and the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA who have exp ressed their support and prayers for the situation in Egypt.  We ask you to  join us in a prayer for peace in Egypt and the whole world.  We pray for t he rights of all Egypt's citizens to be equal and protected.

>"Blessed be Egypt My people." Isaiah 19:25

With prayerful best wishes and thanks for your fraternal support and love,

>Bishoy M. Mikhail
>Ecumenical Officer

>Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria
>Archdiocese of North America
>Office of Ecumenical Affairs

NCC News contact:  Philip E. Jenks, 212-870-2228 (office), 646-853-4212 (ce ll) ,

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