From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Newsline: Two Brethren ministers die in Nigeria violence

From CoBNews <>
Date Fri, 29 Jan 2010 11:57:23 -0600

Newsline: Church of the Brethren News Service, News Director Cheryl

Brumbaugh-Cayford, 800-323-8039 ext. 260,


(Jan. 29, 2010) Elgin, IL -- Two ministers of Ekklesiyar Yan'uwa a

Nigeria (EYN--the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria) died in the violence

that broke out in the central Nigerian town of Jos on Sunday, Jan. 17, and

>continued on Jan. 19.

Ecumenical News International (ENI, related to the World Council of

Churches) reported on Jan. 25 that the violence claimed the lives of about

>500 people.

An update received by the Church of the Brethren's Global Mission

Partnerships staff from the pastor of an EYN congregation in Jos, included

information that two ministers in EYN have been killed: Shadrach Dzarma,

a student at the Theological College of Northern Nigeria; and Obidah Hildi,

an evangelist working in Bukuru, a town close to Jos.

"Though the number of lives and property cannot be ascertained now...the

damage is overwhelming," the pastor reported. "While Shadrach met his

death from a street bullet on his way from the town, Obidah was slaughtered

and burnt with his house. This was discovered two days later...."

The pastor wrote that the EYN Church in Bukuru, a town near Jos, was starte d

in Hildi's house and worship continued there for five or six years until a

sanctuary was completed in 2001. "Obidah has been a peacemaker during the

previous crises in that ward before he fell prey to wicked people during th e

crisis. That house was burnt to ashes and Obidah's wife was left behind a w idow

and homeless. I and my wife went and consoled her yesterday." The home of

another EYN member, also a widow, was burnt to ashes but she was able to


Various EYN leaders have reported that they have been among those working

for peace between Muslims and Christians. The EYN pastor from Jos reported

that he and his family helped give refuge to Muslims during a previous outb reak

of violence in 2008. "A Muslim man that we hosted in 2008 crisis ran to us  for

refuge because his life was threatened," he wrote. "Even at the time I was  writing

this mail, he is still with us. We share the little food we have with him a nd other

boys too in the neighborhood. Though hard it is to do such things and regar dless

of what people may say to us, we have to love everyone as Christ told us to  do."

"I write you this mail to thank you for your prayers," he wrote. "I believe  you

have been praying for us and God in his infinite mercy has spared us. We be lieve

that God knows why those who died as result of this incident, because no sp arrow

falls to the ground without the knowledge of the creator. Please continue t o pray

for us in Nigeria especially the EYN Church. It is a great challenge for a  peace

>church in Nigeria."

Church of the Brethren mission workers Nathan and Jennifer Hosler were not  in

Jos at the time violence erupted, although they were visiting just before t he crisis.

They work at EYN's Kulp Bible College, located at the church's headquarters  in

>eastern Nigeria near the town of Mubi.

"Please pray for the city of Jos and Plateau State," the Hoslers requested.  "This

is not a religious conflict per se, but has ethnicity, resources, and polit ics involved.

There has been much destruction of lives and property, with damage to an ex tent

>that appears worse than the 2008 crisis.

"Please pray for safety and for the lives of both Muslims and Christians. P ray for

those on both sides who are mourning. Pray for healing and reconciliation.  Pray

for truth, that rumors would not ignite more violence. Pray for mutual unde rstanding

and peaceful coexistence between Muslims and Christians in Jos and Nigeria  as a


The Church of the Brethren is a Christian denomination committed to continu ing

the work of Jesus peacefully and simply, and to living out its faith in com munity.

The denomination is based in the Anabaptist and Pietist faith traditions an d is one

of the three Historic Peace Churches. It celebrated its 300th anniversary i n 2008.

It counts some 125,000 members across the United States and Puerto Rico, an d has

missions and sister churches in Nigeria, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, Ha iti,

>and India.

># # #

>For more information contact:

>Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford

>Director of News Services

>Church of the Brethren

>1451 Dundee Ave., Elgin, IL 60120

>800-323-8039 ext. 260


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