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[ENS] Christian-Muslim summit for peace is topic of March 21 bulletin inserts
Tue, 9 Mar 2010 18:10:02 -0500
>Episcopal News Service
>March 9, 2010
Episcopal News Service is available at
>Today's Episcopal News Service includes:
* TOP STORY - Christian-Muslim summit for peace is topic of March 21
bulletin inserts
* DIOCESAN DIGEST - OHIO: Look up -- there's a sign from God
* DIOCESAN DIGEST - SPRINGFIELD: Champaign, Illinois congregation
continues Easter egg tradition
* WORLD REPORT - CANADA: Indigenous Oji-Cree Archdeacon Lydia Mamakwa
elected first area bishop
* WORLD REPORT - NIGERIA: Archbishop urges prayers, action after
attacks leave hundreds dead
* WORLD REPORT - SRI LANKA: Religious leaders call for fair polls in April
* DAYBOOK - March 10: Today in Scripture, Prayer, History
* EBAR PICK - "Great Music of Holy Week and Easter"
Christian-Muslim summit for peace is topic of March 21 bulletin inserts
A historic summit meeting of Christian and Muslim leaders at
Washington National Cathedral is the topic of ENS Weekly bulletin
inserts for March 21. A group of 24 leaders of the Anglican, Shi'a,
Sunni and Roman Catholic traditions met at the cathedral March 1 - 3,
culminating in a public dialogue and a call to action for interfaith
peacemaking efforts in their faith groups.
Bulletin inserts may be downloaded here:
More Top Stories:
>OHIO: Look up -- there's a sign from God
>By Pat McCaughan
[Episcopal News Service] The Diocese of Ohio is counting on people
looking up for signs from God.
Full story:
>- - - - -
SPRINGFIELD: Champaign, Illinois congregation continues Easter egg tradition
>By Pat McCaughan
[Episcopal News Service] They're Easter eggs, and yet they're angels,
movie and comic book superhero lookalikes, traditional seasonal
rabbits and ducks and not-so-conventional geckos and frogs, even Mr.
and Mrs. Santa Claus, a basketball player, a church mouse, bishops and
Full story:
More Diocesan news:
CANADA: Indigenous Oji-Cree Archdeacon Lydia Mamakwa elected first area bishop
>By Marites N. Sison
[Episcopal News Service] Using a time-honored tradition of standing
behind the nominee of their choice, delegates from 16 native
communities in the Diocese of Keewatin's northern Ontario region
elected Archdeacon Lydia Mamakwa as their first area bishop on March
Full story:
>- - - - -
NIGERIA: Archbishop urges prayers, action after attacks leave hundreds dead
>By Matthew Davies
[Episcopal News Service] Anglican Archbishop Benjamin Kwashi is
appealing for prayers after more than 500 people are reported dead in
the Jos region of Nigeria where two villages were attacked by gangs
during the night of March 7.
Full story:
>- - - - -
SRI LANKA: Religious leaders call for fair polls in April
>By Anto Akkara
[Ecumenical News International, Bangalore, India] Sri Lankan religious
leaders have called for free and fair polls scheduled for April in an
election campaign that has already been marred by violence.
Full story:
More World news:
>On March 10, 2010...
* Today in Scripture:
* Today in Prayer: Anglican Cycle of Prayer:
* Today in History: On March 10, 1748, John Newton, captain of a slave
ship, was converted to Christianity during a huge storm at sea. After
becoming an Anglican priest, Newton became a zealous abolitionist and
wrote the famous hymn "Amazing Grace."
"Great Music of Holy Week and Easter" from Church Publishing, Choirs
of St Mark's Cathedral, Seattle, Washington, J Melvin Butler,
Organist/Choirmaster, music CD, $18
[Church Publishing] Old and new hymns from The Hymnal 1982 for Palm
Sunday through the season of Easter. Our newest recording treats the
listener to a musical journey from Palm Sunday through the Triduum
into Easter and its season of 50 days. It features six of the choral
ensembles of the Cathedral which engage children, youth, adults,
amateur and professional musicians, as well as the renowned Compline
Choir, and a variety of instruments and arrangements. The organ is a
1965 installation by the Dutch firm of D. A. Flentrop. All is ably
performed under the direction of Dr. J. Melvin Butler, Organist and
Choirmaster; with Dent Davidson, Music Associate and Cathedral
Liturgist; Roger Sherman, Associate Organist; and Dr. Peter R.
Hallock, Canon Precentor Emeritus.
To order, please visit Episcopal Books and Resources online at, call 800-903-5544, or visit your
local Episcopal bookstore.
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