From the Worldwide Faith News archives
[ENS] California farm project grows organic vegetables, future leaders, abundance
Mon, 22 Mar 2010 07:14:12 -0400
>Episcopal News Service
>March 19, 2010
Episcopal News Service is available at
>Today's Episcopal News Service includes:
* TOP STORY - California farm project grows organic vegetables, future
leaders, abundance
* DIOCESAN DIGEST - Winter diocesan convention season draws to a close
* WORLD REPORT - EL SALVADOR: Attempted murder cause for great
concern, bishop says
* WORLD REPORT - ZIMBABWE: Ousted Anglican bishop said to be flouting
court order
* MISSION - Fundación Cristosal celebrates a decade of labor in El Salvador
* DAYBOOK - March 22: Today in Scripture, Prayer, History
* EBAR PICK - "The Chants of Easter"
California farm project grows organic vegetables, future leaders, abundance
Episcopal Service Corps aim to revitalize ministry, change lives
>By Pat McCaughan
[Episcopal News Service] Erynn Smith spends the bulk of her days in
Ventura County, California's fertile farmland, helping to plant,
water, weed, harvest, wash, pack and deliver as many as 85 boxes of
snow peas, chard, peppers and other organic vegetables to community
subscribers and local farmers markets.
Other times with sponge in hand, she introduces students -- from
preschool through college -- to environmental sustainability and life
at the Abundant Table Farm Project (ATFP), a ministry of the Diocese
of Los Angeles and a member agency of the Episcopal Service Corps.
She explains that "the earth is like a sponge and it sucks up
everything we put in it. When we farm organically we want to make sure
we don't use materials that damage it."
Full story:
More Top Stories:
Winter diocesan convention season draws to a close
>By Mary Frances Schjonberg
[Episcopal News Service] As the winter round of annual diocesan
gatherings draws to a close, the dioceses of Delaware and Louisiana
met during the weekend of March 12-13.
Full story:
More Diocesan news:
EL SALVADOR: Attempted murder cause for great concern, bishop says
>By ENS staff
[Episcopal News Service] Bishop Martín Barahona of the Anglican Church
of El Salvador has said that a March 17 attempt on his life is cause
for serious concern in a country that has been rife with gang violence
and criminal activity since the end of the civil war in the early
Full story:
>- - - - -
ZIMBABWE: Ousted Anglican bishop said to be flouting court order
>By ENI Harare Correspondent
[Ecumenical News International, Harare] Anglicans in Zimbabwe are
saying that former Harare Anglican Bishop Nolbert Kunonga is ignoring
a High Court ruling that restored access to church buildings by
members of the Anglican Church of Central Africa.
Full story:
More World news:
Fundación Cristosal celebrates a decade of labor in El Salvador
>By George Woodward
[Episcopal News Service] On the second Sunday in Lent, the Anglican
Church of El Salvador, in conjunction with Fundación Cristosal,
unveiled a 15-foot high obelisk capped with a celtic cross and
dedicated to the thousands of volunteers who have labored through the
years in solidarity with the people of El Salvador and with its
Anglican church.
Full story:
More Mission:
On March 22, 2010, the church remembers James De Koven, priest.
* Today in Scripture:
* Today in Prayer: Anglican Cycle of Prayer:
* Today in History: On March 22, 1312, Pope Clement V at the Council
at Vienna dissolved the military Order of Knights Templar by an
administrative ordinance. On March 22, 337, the first Christian
emperor of Rome, Constantine, died at age 47.
"The Chants of Easter" by Gloriae Dei Cantores Schola, music CD,
duration 73:27:00 min, c. 2006, $16.95.
[Paraclete Press] This recording of Gregorian Chant from the gloriae
Dei Cantores Schola celebrates the Feast of the Resurrection, which is
rooted in the earliest centuries of Christian worship. This
"celebration of celebrations" is a time for rebirth, and this
recording reflects that sense of personal renewal and joy. The Chants
of Easter includes the Propers of Easter Day and chants for the octave
of Easter -- daily services that are part of the week-long celebration
of the Easter miracle. These chants are conveyed with careful
attention to subtleties in the ancient Gregorian notation, inviting
listeners to share the experience of Christ's resurrection in all its
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