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Taiwanese medical team report on rescue work in Haiti
"Taiwan Church News" <>
Tue, 30 Mar 2010 12:12:56 -0700
> Taiwan Church News
>3030 Edition
>March 22~28, 2010
Taiwanese medical team report on rescue work in Haiti
>Reported by Chen Wei-chien
>Written by Lydia Ma
As soon as countries all over the world heard about Haiti’s 7.0-magnitude
earthquake, many
formed rescue and relief teams and sent them to Haiti. Taiwan also sent its
own team of
rescue workers via Taiwan Root Medical Peace Corp.
Taiwan Root Medical Peace Corp, a private, non-sectarian, non-profit
organization dedicated
to improving quality of life through provision of medical services and health
education, sent a
team of 65 medical professionals to Haiti. The group included Changhua
Christian Hospital
>anesthesiologist Dr. Yeh Liang-tsai.
Team members included 14 people fluent in Haiti’s official language, 3
Haitians medical
students currently studying in Taiwan, and 23 professionals from Miami. They
approximately 2,000 kg of medical supplies to assist the wounded in Haiti and
medical services to more than 5,000 people during their brief stay in
According to Yeh, he went to Haiti because he felt compelled to do his part in
helping the
people of Haiti. But he later confessed that though he had witnessed countless
deceased and
wounded patients inside the operating room over the years as a physician, he
was still
shocked by the number of wounded and dead people he saw when he first arrived
to Haiti.
Yeh also reported that his team arrived 10 days after the earthquake and
worked in a
makeshift hospital with an open-air operating room where they conducted 17
major surgeries.
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