From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Moderator Travels to Haiti for Easter Season Pastoral Visit

From "Broadhurst, Tom" <>
Date Thu, 1 Apr 2010 15:52:47 -0400

News Release -- Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Moderator Travels to Haiti for Easter Season Pastoral Vis it

Toronto: On Tuesday, April 6, 2010, the Moderator of Th e United Church of 
Canada, Mardi Tindal, will travel to  Haiti leading a five-person United Church 
delegation on  what is described as a pastoral visit.

"After horrific death it can take a very long time be fore we can really hear 
Jesus' words, "Do not let you r hearts be troubled"-but it takes less time when 
we  accompany one another," says Tindal.

She explains that the United Church's partners in Haiti  are engaged in relief 
and reconstruction despite the t rauma of losing family members, homes, and 
offices. "They  have asked us to accompany them-pastorally and personall y-and 
so, like good neighbours in time of crisis, we  are going to be with them," she 
The United Church's partners in Haiti are the Methodist  Church of Haiti and 
the Karl Lévêque Cultural Inst itute (ICKL). The United Church also works 
through the  ACT Alliance, a global coalition of churches and agencies  engaged 
in development, humanitarian assistance, and advoc acy. According to the United 
Nations, more than 222,517 people  were killed and 300,000 injured in the 
earthquake. Mor e than one million people are living in makeshift settl ements. 
The situation is staggering, devastating, and unpre cedented.

"Under the circumstances, it is impossible to have satisf actory conversations 
from a distance. Communication remains  extremely difficult and limited," 
comments Tindal. "Being  with our partners is the best way to truly see and  
hear what we need to understand of their immediate a nd long-term needs. We 
will learn more about the love  and challenge of Christ, together."

Jim Hodgson is the United Church's regional program coord inator for 
partnerships in the Caribbean, Central America,  and Colombia. He is in Haiti 
now preparing for the  delegation's arrival and working with partners and the  
ACT Alliance.

Hodgson says that it will take years to work through  this horrific tragedy, to 
respond with compassion, and to  learn about the conditions that make the 
people of H aiti so vulnerable in the face of such disaster.

"Troubling stories of suffering and death in Haiti have  been with us for many 
years, but the earthquake of  January 12 has focused our attention on the 
staggering  new need for immediate relief and long-term restoration, " says 
Hodgson. "Haitians will need our ongoing help fo r a long time."

Since the devastating earthquake on January 12, United Ch urch members have 
contributed over $2.7 million for relie f and restoration efforts.

Hodgson explains that the cost of the delegation's visit  to Haiti is covered 
from existing budgets made possibl e through regular donations to the church's 
Mission and  Service Fund. None of the monies given to the United  Church's 
Haiti Appeal are being used to finance the  trip.

Tindal wrote in an Easter message to United Church cong regations that she was 
honoured to represent them in th is pastoral visit. She adds as she prepares to 
leave  for Haiti, "I am humbled by the opportunity to serve  our church in this 
way. When I return I look forward  to sharing what the people I meet in Haiti 
say abo ut how we can be with them through this most difficul t time. And I 
will bring them assurance of our contin ued commitment to stand with them as 
they rebuild their  lives."

The following are the other three members of the United  Church Haiti 

* the Rev. Pierre Goldberger, responsible for French mini stries of the United 
Church, brings extensive experience  with the Haitian community in Montreal and 
beyond. With  Jim Hodgson, Pierre has French-language skills and conte xtual 
knowledge of Haiti and partnerships there.

* Justine Kiwanuka, an elected member of the United Chu rch's Justice, Global 
and Ecumenical Relations Unit, brings  expertise in human rights issues, 
particularly for peopl e with disabilities. She works in immigration settlement 
 in Winnipeg and has done work with the United Nations.

* the Rev. Bill Steadman serves the General Council Off ice as Executive 
Minister of the Financial Stewardship Un it. His responsibilities include 
interpreting the need for  and the use of donations given for relief and rebuil 
ding in Haiti.

The delegation's visit to Haiti will continue until April  13, although the 
Moderator will be returning to Canada  on April 10. For more information, 
please contact:

Mary-Frances Denis

Program Coordinator, Media and Public Relations
The United Church of Canada
Tel: 416-231-7680 ext. 2016
Toll-free: 1-800-268-3781 ext. 2016
Cell: 416-400-7273



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