From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Editorial: The vision and needs of mass media ministries

From "Taiwan Church News" <>
Date Tue, 20 Apr 2010 11:35:36 -0700

>      Taiwan Church News

>3033 Edition

>April 12~18, 2010

Editorial: The vision and needs of mass media ministries

>Translated by Lydia Ma

It is customary for PCT churches to devote one Sunday every month  fundraising 
for one PCT

ministry. This occasion, which takes the form of a simple  announcement 
accompanied by a

special offering envelope or a guest speaker scheduled for that  day’s sermon, 
is an

opportunity to get congregations involved in evangelism and enable  

organizations to share their vision with local churches.

Giving a special offering on these “Ministry Sundays”  has become one of the 
ways PCT

members match their faith with their actions and live out  PCT’s statement of 
faith, especially

the part about being commissioned to proclaim the salvation of  Christ. Besides 

in God’s work, congregations also get a chance to assess PCT  ministries during 


Of all the ministries Christians care about and support  financially, mass 
media and

communications ministries stand out the most. With the founding of  New Eyes 

(NETV) two years ago, we finally saw PCT take on cable television  and design 
programs that

promote Christian values to counter programs filled with violence  and gossip 
in mainstream


Though faced with many challenges, including massive access fees  that forced 
NETV to pull

out of cable television earlier this year, PCT never gave up on  the conviction 
that mass media

was a great tool to reach the world with the gospel of Jesus  Christ.

In reality, PCT has been using media to share the gospel since  1885 when the 
first issue of

Taiwan Church News was published. After using print media, PCT  moved on to 

with other forms of media, such as radio, television, and finally,  internet. 
Throughout the years,

it has never ceased trying to find new and better ways of using  media to share 
the gospel of

>Jesus Christ with the rest of the world.

Electronic media is an intricate combination of pictures, sounds,  and words, 
and its programs

must be designed and packaged to suit the needs of listeners.  Providing 
effective, high-

quality evangelical programs that speak to the heart of viewers  and draw them 
to Christ is

both an art and a technical challenge that requires constant  adjustments in 
the way we do

>media evangelism.

As we remember “Mass Media and Communication Ministries  Sunday” this week, it 
is our

prayer that every PCT member can perceive the needs of PCT mass  media 
ministries and

support these ministries with their time and resources. Let’s  get involved in 
proclaiming the

>salvation of Christ together!


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