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Fri, 23 Apr 2010 11:03:09 -0700
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Stavros Papagermanos
April 23, 2010
New York - The Holy Eparchial Synod of the Holy Archdiocese of America convened
in its regular Spring Session in the Synodal Chamber of the Holy Archdiocese in
New York, on April 21st and 22nd, 2010, under the chairmanship of His Eminence
Archbishop Demetrios.
The Holy Eparchial Synod deliberated on the following issues:
Liturgical Issues: It was announced that the Ecumenical Patriarchate approved
the submitted text of the Holy Prothesis and the Divine Liturgy, with
liturgical rubrics by the Synod, so that it may be translated into the English
language. Additionally, the Synod assigned to the Synodal Committee in charge
of liturgical issues the responsibility to prepare similar texts for Sacred
Services, Orthros and Vespers. Furthermore, the Synod completed its work on the
text of the Service of Receiving non-Orthodox Christians into the Orthodox
Church through Chrismation.
Canonical Issues: The final approval of the Holy and Sacred Synod of the
Ecumenical Patriarchate for the submitted Regulations of the Holy Eparchial
Synod was communicated. The work on the Regulations of Spiritual Courts was
continued with the assistance of specialists in Law and Canon Law and with the
formation of a list of reasons for issuing Ecclesiastical Divorces.
Furthermore, the Synod approved a new Certificate for Baptism and Chrismation
for use in parishes of the Holy Archdiocese. Finally, the Holy Synod discussed
canonical issues pertaining to the clergy, and made relevant decisions in
regard to issues of pastoral and disciplinary nature.
Educational and Youth Issues: There was extensive discussion on Religious
Education and the youth. The observation was made that the number of camping
facilities has increased, as well as the youth participating in them. It has
been realized that camping is a very successful tool in formulating a religious
character in the youth. It was also noted that there is a need to educate
parents and attempts are made for the participation of youth and parents in
family programs at the camps. Priests should use all pastoral opportunities of
athletic, dancing, and other youth programs for the cultivation of Orthodox
character in the youth.
Inter-Orthodox Issues: There was extensive discussion on the upcoming
pan-Orthodox Assembly of Bishops which will take place on May 26-28 in New York
City. The formation of such an Assembly was decided by the Pre-Synodal
Pan-Orthodox meeting in Chambesy, Switzerland, in June 2009.
Clergy-Laity Congress: In reference to the upcoming Clergy-Laity Congress in
Atlanta, GA in July 2010, the importance of the theme Gather My People to My
Home ? Come and See was underscored, as well as a need for a wider
participation of parishes. A more direct involvement of the Members of the
Holy Eparchial Synod in the analysis and application on the theme of the
Clergy-Laity Congress was planned by means of a special meeting to be convened
at its commencement.
Finally, the Holy Eparchial Synod designated September 19 of this year as a day
of commemoration of the Asia Minor Holocaust, by organizing lectures and
special programs for this purpose. The members of the Holy Eparchial Synod had
the opportunity to participate in the meeting of the Executive Committee of the
Archdiocesan Council in the afternoon of April 19.
From the Office of the Holy Eparchial Synod
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