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ACNS - Global South's final statement calls for greater holiness, purpose and discipline
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Fri, 23 Apr 2010 11:13:46 -0700
Global South's final statement calls for greater holiness, purpose
and discipline
Posted On : April 23, 2010 6:12 PM | Posted By : Webmaster
Related Categories: South East Asia
The "Fourth Trumpet" statement from the Global South to South Encounter
has called called for greater holiness, purpose and discipline after
acknowledging two decades of conflict and controversy has affected their
ability to fulfil the Great Commission.
Delegates at the Fourth Anglican Global South to South Encounter meeting
said today that for two decades they have been "distracted by conflicts
and controversies" that had kept them from effectively fulfilling the
Great Commission. However, they stated a "renewed determination" to
assist each other " make disciples of all nations and to do all
that Christ has commanded."
In the meeting's "Fourth Trumpet" statement, the more than 130 attendees
from 20 Provinces at the Singapore meeting called for a "new quest" for
personal and corporate holiness in the Communion. They also encouraged
Provinces to both develop plans and structures for Church growth in
today's post-Christendom context and to find ways to better understand
and reach out to young people.
"The future of the Communion lies in winning the next generation for
Christ," said the statement. "We urge each region to adopt initiatives
to better understand the needs and characteristics of this new
generation so that we might better communicate the Gospel and Christian
values to them. It is essential that the ethos and traditions of the
Church be imparted to the youth in creative and dynamic ways so that
they will be equipped to live for Christ for their generation and
The group said that during their plenary sessions, bible studies and
small group discussions they were "drawn back to a fresh vision of God,
of the Church and of Christian leadership."
"We saw God in His stunning holiness and absolute sovereignty through
Isaiah's vision (Is 6: 1-13), and correspondingly saw our own ingrained
sinfulness and utter foolishness in trusting man rather than God alone.
We caught a " big" vision of the Church from her role as 'servant of the
Lord' (Is 42: 1-9) to bring God's justice or 'right order of living' to
the nations of the world. This established the absolute necessity and
priority for the Church to disciple her members under the authority of
the inspired Scriptures so that they may transform their societies and
reach the nations with the Gospel. The fresh call upon the Church's
leadership, from the Servant of the Lord's costly obedience (Is 50:
4-9), is to be courageous and fully confident of the Lord's sustaining
grace and final vindication."
The final statement from the Encounter also underscored the group's
"grief" regarding decisions made by The Episcopal Church USA, and the
Anglican Church of Canada. In particular they said the election and
intended consecration of a priest in a same-sex relationship as a Bishop
in Los Angeles demonstrated a "total disregard for the mind of the
Communion". There then followed a call for Provinces in the Global South
to reconsider their communion relationships with the aforementioned
The statement concluded with a call to review the entire Anglican
Communion structure, in order to achieve what they believed would be,
"an authentic expression of the current reality of our Anglican
To read the entire statement visit
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