From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Mar Thoma Church raises $131,775 for CWS Haiti relief

From "Philip Jenks" <>
Date Fri, 30 Apr 2010 13:30:52 -0400

>Mar Thoma Diocese of North America and Europe
>raised $131,775 for Haiti earthquake relief


New York, April 30, 2010 -- The Mar Thoma Church Diocese of North  America and 
 Europe has raised $131,775  for recovery efforts in  earthquake-devastated 

The Diocesan Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Geevarghese Mar Theodosius,  presented a 
check for that amount to the Rev. Dr. Michael Kinnamon on  April 17 during the 
Diocesan Assembly in Atlanta.

"This is a remarkable example of ecumenical cooperation," said Kinnamon.  "The 
Mar Thoma Church has no congregations in Haiti, yet as members of  the body of 
Christ they felt obligated to do whatever they could do to  help sisters and 
brothers in Haiti. Church World Service has been doing  important work in Haiti 
-- before and after the earthquake -- and this  generous contribution will make 
an enormous difference."

Kinnamon added, "I wish other churches would do more of their relief  work 
through CWS as an expression of our common life in Christ and the  common 
calling we have received to help those in need in his name."

The check, designated for Haiti relief efforts of the NCC's sister  agency, 
Church World Service, was presented to CWS Executive Director  and CEO, the 
Rev. John L. McCullough by the NCC's Deputy General  Secretary and Chief 
Operating Officer, Clare J. Chapman.

Upon receiving the check, Rev. McCullough said, "On behalf of the many  we 
serve in Haiti - children, the disabled, and others - we are grateful  to the 
Mar Thoma Church and to Bishop Mar Theodosius for their  extraordinary effort, 
answering Christ's call to help the needy."

The NCC and CWS, while no longer joined in a common legal structure,  share a 
common history and are composed of the same 36 member  communions.

Two days after the January 12 earthquake, Diocesan Bishop Mar Theodosius  
issued a letter to members of the Diocese, urging them to send  contributions 
for Haitian relief.

"I have directed our Mission Board and Planning Board to find ways by  which 
the Mar Thoma Church can offer a helping hand to the people of  Haiti to 
rebuild their lives," Mar Theodosius wrote.

The result of the process was the presentation of the check to Church  World 

The Malankara Mar Thoma Syrian Church in India traces its origins to the  
missionary work of the Apostle Thomas in 52 A.D. The Mar Thoma Diocese  of 
North America and Europe, one of the 36 member communions of the  National 
Council of Churches and Church World Service, was established  in 1972.    

NCC News contact:  Philip E. Jenks, 212-870-2228 (office),  646-853-4212 

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