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ACNS Continuing Indaba: web pages now available
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Fri, 30 Apr 2010 10:48:16 -0700
Continuing Indaba: web pages now available
Posted On : April 30, 2010 1:23 PM | Posted By : Webmaster
Related Categories: ACO - Indaba
The Continuing Indaba project sponsored by the Archbishop of
Canterbury and endorsed by the Anglican Consultative Council has
launched its new presence on the World Wide Web at
The arrival of Continuing Indaba on the Internet as part of the
Anglican Communion web site makes visible the preparatory work
already in hand for the series of pilot conversations between
dioceses from different parts of the Communion to take place during
2010 and 2011.
Visitors to the new site will find an outline of the project,, which
explains its origins as located within an African conversational
method for resolving real or potential conflict through mutual
listening and debate. The process emerges from the Indaba-style
format used at the 2008 Lambeth Conference which is now being
expanded to enhance the world-wide Anglican Communion in its quest to
intensify relationships in the cause of shared mission.
These pages carry news of the initial series of 'hub' meetings around
the world during late 2009 and early 2010 whose remit is to develop
resources which can guide and inform the model conversations between
participants from dioceses from across the world.
There is also a growing library of the resource papers generated from
and through the 'hubs' in order to make them as widely available as
possible for those wishing to follow the development of the
Continuing Indaba conversations planned for 2010 and 2011. This
library will expand and grow as the project develops in the hope that
a growing and continuous process of conversation will be ignited
throughout the Anglican Communion.
It is intended that the Continuing Indaba web presence will carry
reports from each stage of the project and specifically from each of
the pilot conversations as they are planned and take place. It will
become a universally-accessible resource, not only for those
participating or taking an interest in the programme of events
planned for the next two years, but also for those who may be
inspired by the project to embark on their own journeys of
conversation across the Communion, and who may in turn be able to
contribute their own resources and stories to the site.
Continuing Indaba Project Director the Revd Canon Dr Phil Groves
said, "Continuing Indaba seeks to draw upon biblical models of
engaging in conversation across difference and upon a diversity of
cultural insights to energise local and global mission. It aims to
restore trust so we can listen to one another and the insights we
bring so that Christ can be made known. Our new web presence is an
invaluable tool because it gives to this project a virtual meeting
place complete with notice boards, news bulletins and a library, open
24 hours a day to anyone online anywhere in the world. Best of all,
for many interested people it is making Continuing Indaba visible for
the first time, showing what has already been done and what's going
to happen next."
Archbishop Thabo Makgoba says "I believe Continuing Indaba will
enable us to hear one another on numerous issues which may confront
and challenge us in our global communion."
For more information about Continuing Indaba, please contact Jan
Butter on 07889400899 or
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