Weekly update from the Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs: 6-15-11

From <publicaffairs@episcopalchurch.org>
Date Wed, 15 Jun 2011 09:04:20 -0400

>The Episcopal Church

>Office of Public Affairs

Weekly update from the Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs

>Wednesday, June 15, 2011

>Recently released. . .

Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop on World Refugee Day: "An opportunity to  
recommit to the protection of refugees"

http://www.episcopalchurch.org/newsline_128665_ENG_HTM.htm <http://www.epis 

La Obispa Presidente de la Iglesia Episcopal en el Día Mundial del Refugi ado: 
"Una oportunidad de renovar el compromiso con la protección de los r efugiados"

http://www.episcopalchurch.org/newsline_128667_ENG_HTM.htm <http://www.epis 

L'Évêque président de l'Église épiscopale à propos de la Journ ée mondiale des 
réfugiés : « L'occasion de renouveler notre engagem ent en faveur de la 
protection des réfugiés »

http://www.episcopalchurch.org/newsline_128668_ENG_HTM.htm <http://www.epis 

World Refugee Day photography exhibit features refugee stories from Episcop al 
Migration Ministries

http://www.episcopalchurch.org/newsline_128671_ENG_HTM.htm <http://www.epis 

Una exposición de fotografías del Día Mundial del Refugiado exhibe hi storias 
de refugiados de los Ministerios Episcopales de Migración

http://www.episcopalchurch.org/newsline_128672_ENG_HTM.htm <http://www.epis 

For all releases and other info: http://www.episcopalchurch.org/newsline.ht m 

Executive Council to meet...The Executive Council of the Episcopal Church w ill 
meet June 15-17 at the Conference Center at the Maritime Institute in L 
inthicum Heights, MD. Media representatives wishing to attend the meeting m ust 
secure credentials. Contact Neva Rae Fox, Public Affairs Officer, at pu 
blicaffairs@episcopalchurch.org .

A media conference with phone access for media not able to attend is planne d 
for end of business on Friday, June 17, the last day of the Executive Cou ncil 
meeting; exact Eastern time TBD. Pre-registration for media is require d; 
contact Fox at publicaffairs@episcopalchurch.org.

Executive Council: http://generalconvention.org/ec

Conference Center at the Maritime Institute: http://www.ccmit.org/ <http:// 

>This week. . .

>Election of a Bishop

6/18 Election of the 9th Bishop of the Diocese of Washington http://www.edo 

Check for full listing of events:  http://www.episcopalchurch.org/calendar. htm 

>Weekly Bulletin Inserts...

>June 19/ 19 de junio

First Sunday After Pentecost / Trinity Sunday: World Refugee Day

Primer domingo despue?s de Pentecoste?s / Domingo de la Trinidad: Día Mun dial 
del Refugiado

Inserts available in English and Spanish here: http://www.episcopalchurch.o 
rg/126259_ENG_HTM.htm <http://www.episcopalchurch.org/126259_ENG_HTM.htm>

Got a question? . . . Need some info? Info Line can help you with answers t o 
questions and in making connections to churchwide ministries, events and  
activities. Email or call.  Check it out: http://www.episcopalchurch.org/in fo/ 
<http://www.episcopalchurch.org/info/>  Contact:  info@episcopalchurch. org or 
212-716-6136, 6137; 800-334-7626, x6136, 6x6137

Media inquiries . . . Please direct all media inquiries to Neva Rae Fox: pu 
blicaffairs@episcopalchurch.org, 212-716-6080, mobile 917-478-5659.

News & Notices: www.episcopalchurch.org/newsline_105829_ENG_HTM.htm <http:/ 

Infoline: www.episcopalchurch.org/info/ <http://www.episcopalchurch.org/inf o/>

Episcopal News Service: www.episcopalchurch.org/ens/ <http://www.episcopalc 

>Twitter:  www.twitter.com/iamepiscopalian

Facebook:  www.facebook.com/episcopalian <http://www.facebook.com/episcopal ian>

>YouTube: www.youtube.com/TECtube

>Neva Rae Fox

>Public Affairs Officer

>The Episcopal Church

>815 Second Ave., NYC, NY 10017

>212-716-6080 Mobile: 917-478-5659

publicaffairs@episcopalchurch.org <mailto:publicaffairs@episcopalchurch.org >







