From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Church of Norway plans to sign Leuenberg Agreement
05 Jun 1998 20:12:31
OSLO, Norway/BERLIN/GENEVA, 4 June 1998 (lwi) The Church of Norway plans
to sign the Leuenberg Agreement in the foreseeable future, according to a
press release from the Leuenberg Church Fellowship (LCF). This was
confirmed during a conversation with Norwegian Bishop Andreas Aarflot at
the LCF executive committee meeting which took place in Oslo, May 22-25.
Upon the signing, 99 churches in Europe would belong to the fellowship.
The LCF executive committee expressed its opinions on fundamental questions
concerning different models for a communion of churches in a position paper
passed in Oslo which also includes a list of practical implications for a
communion of churches. The position paper suggested to the churches of the
Reformation in Europe to start negotiations concerning recognition of the
education provided by the churches, such as final qualifications, degrees
and pastoral training.
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Lutheran World Information
Editorial Assistant: Janet Bond-Nash
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