From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Documents posted to the archive this month, sorted by source
- BPFNA Board responds to nuclear testing
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 09 Jun 1998 17:30:46
- Mennonite VS rewards keep teacher
- Source: Beth Received by the WFN Archive: 11 Jun 1998 12:52:25
- Volunteers at Hopi Mission School unique
- Source: Beth Received by the WFN Archive: 11 Jun 1998 13:20:52
- Mission worker learned in S A leadership
- Source: Beth Received by the WFN Archive: 11 Jun 1998 13:23:16
- Obituary Nellie M. King
- Source: Beth Received by the WFN Archive: 11 Jun 1998 13:26:50
- Service Adventure unit ventures to Haiti
- Source: Beth Received by the WFN Archive: 17 Jun 1998 11:28:22
- New ministry directions for Mennonite Media
- Source: Beth Received by the WFN Archive: 17 Jun 1998 11:49:57
- Shorter terms for mission workers
- Source: Beth Received by the WFN Archive: 17 Jun 1998 12:21:07
- Inquiring minds want to know: Mennonites
- Source: Beth Received by the WFN Archive: 17 Jun 1998 12:30:34
- MBM Board addresses young adult ministry
- Source: Beth Received by the WFN Archive: 17 Jun 1998 12:51:29
- Eby retires as Board chair
- Source: Beth Received by the WFN Archive: 17 Jun 1998 13:00:40
- Yoder to become VP for Global Ministries
- Source: Beth Received by the WFN Archive: 17 Jun 1998 14:07:00
- Major French newsweekly profiles MBM worker
- Source: Beth Received by the WFN Archive: 24 Jun 1998 13:55:36
- Lutherans Respond to South Dakota's Deadly Tornado
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 01 Jun 1998 15:30:21
- ACT Works with Afghanistan Quake Victims
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 01 Jun 1998 17:01:48
- Number of Lutherans in Congress Unchanged
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 01 Jun 1998 18:00:52
- La IELA lanza el "Libro de Liturgia y Cántico"
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 02 Jun 1998 15:22:34
- Johnson to Head ELCA World Hunger and Disaster Appeal
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 02 Jun 1998 16:16:46
- Fjeld to Retire as Lutheran Seminary President
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 02 Jun 1998 16:27:38
- Lutheran-Reformed Planners Diagram Festival Worship
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 11 Jun 1998 15:50:30
- Lutheran Global Events to 'Communicate Hope'
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 11 Jun 1998 16:04:38
- 1998 Lutheran Summer Music Program to Open
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 11 Jun 1998 16:42:39
- Lutherans Hit by Tornadoes in Pennsylvania
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 11 Jun 1998 16:43:38
- Parsons Resigns as Lutheran Bishop in Alaska
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 12 Jun 1998 12:28:57
- Stuck Elected Lutheran Bishop of Indiana and Kentucky
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 12 Jun 1998 12:28:59
- Africans and African Americans Identify Barriers
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 18 Jun 1998 17:32:38
- Lutherans Find Little to Salvage after Tornado in South Dakota
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 18 Jun 1998 18:03:37
- Lutheran World Federation Approves Agreement with Roman Catholics
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 18 Jun 1998 18:14:45
- ELCA: 158 Southeast Asians Baptized
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 18 Jun 1998 21:22:01
- Educational Video from Classic Luther Film
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 24 Jun 1998 17:01:56
- Lutheran-Reformed 'Full Communion' Becomes Official
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 24 Jun 1998 17:03:40
- Wollersheim Elected Lutheran Bishop of Northern Illinois
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 24 Jun 1998 17:27:24
- Lutherans Delve into Farming Crisis in North Dakota
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 24 Jun 1998 17:36:09
- Correction Changes Number of Lutherans in Congress
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 24 Jun 1998 17:42:33
- Lutherans Give an Isolated Refugee Camp a New Lease on Life
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 24 Jun 1998 17:43:32
- Lutheran Teenagers Learn How to Become Disciples
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 24 Jun 1998 17:44:33
- NCC Condemn Bomb Threat Against MCC
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 02 Jun 1998 16:13:28
- NCC Statement on Cuba Trip
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 02 Jun 1998 16:13:34
- "Feast" NCCCUSA Young Adult Ministry Training
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 08 Jun 1998 19:56:43
- NCCCUSA June 2, 1998, on Religious
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 08 Jun 1998 20:53:30
- CWS Responds to Afghanistan Earthquake
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 10 Jun 1998 06:54:06
- 3 Stories, NCCCUSA Cuba Trip
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 11 Jun 1998 16:32:00
- NCCCUSA Hails Race Initiative, Now A Year Old
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 12 Jun 1998 14:33:40
- NCCCUSA on Nuclear Testing
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 12 Jun 1998 14:34:44
- NCC Statement on the State of the Cities
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 23 Jun 1998 11:03:52
- Rev. Carl McCall Speaks At Major Clergy Event
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 24 Jun 1998 13:53:26
- N. Korea Staff Interview Opportunity
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 30 Jun 1998 16:43:09
- Newsline - Church of the Brethren weekly news update
- Source: Church Received by the WFN Archive: 04 Jun 1998 15:32:51
- Newsline text - Church of the Brethren weekly news update
- Source: Church Received by the WFN Archive: 12 Jun 1998 23:24:41
- Newsline index - Church of the Brethren weekly news update
- Source: Church Received by the WFN Archive: 13 Jun 1998 02:35:21
- Newsline - Church of the Brethren weekly news update
- Source: Church Received by the WFN Archive: 18 Jun 1998 23:27:40
- Newsline - Church of the Brethren weekly news update
- Source: Church Received by the WFN Archive: 30 Jun 1998 20:23:25
- Newsline - Church of the Brethren weekly news update
- Source: Church Received by the WFN Archive: 30 Jun 1998 20:24:26
- On-line prayer
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 02 Jun 1998 04:11:44
- EA NEWS: Parliamentary Focus For Nation's Prayers
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 05 Jun 1998 08:24:52
- EA NEWS: AMEN! A Day to Pray: God is Reaching the Parts...
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 07 Jun 1998 14:33:22
- EA NEWS: Age of Consent at 14?
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 22 Jun 1998 02:54:08
- Age of Consent: Society failing young people.
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 23 Jun 1998 03:28:40
- Title: Age of Consent: Society failing young people.
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 22 Jun 1998 16:08:31
- Re: Title: Age of Consent: Society failing young people.
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 22 Jun 1998 17:12:51
- Church of Norway plans to sign Leuenberg Agreement
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 05 Jun 1998 20:12:31
- Lutheran World Relief wins gender award
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 05 Jun 1998 20:12:32
- Im suedlichen Sudan sind rund 350.000 Menschen vom Hungertod bedroht
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 05 Jun 1998 20:12:34
- Australian Lutherans adopt Lutheran-Roman Catholic Joint Declaration
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 05 Jun 1998 20:12:39
- Theologians from Nordic Lutheran churches, VELKD meet in Finland
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 05 Jun 1998 20:12:40
- Australiens Lutheraner nehmen Gemeinsame Erklaerung an
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 05 Jun 1998 20:12:41
- Bischofsamt - Einheitsmodell - Ekklesiologie
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 05 Jun 1998 20:12:42
- Eritrean government takes over LWF development programs
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 05 Jun 1998 20:12:43
- Kinder- und Jugendarbeit der lutherischen Kirche in Brasilien
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 05 Jun 1998 20:13:20
- LWB-Weltdienst in Mauretanien: Dort, wo einst Wueste war, wachsen
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 05 Jun 1998 20:13:39
- Brasilianische Kirchen setzen sich fuer indigene Bevoelkerung ein
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 05 Jun 1998 20:14:42
- Norwegische Kirche plant Unterzeichnung der Leuenberger Konkordie
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 05 Jun 1998 20:53:28
- Kirchen fordern Aufdeckung der Verbrechen waehrend der
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 05 Jun 1998 20:53:29
- Antioekumenische Tendenzen in Europa abbauen
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 05 Jun 1998 20:53:33
- LWF Ninth Assembly accounts closed without financial deficit
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 05 Jun 1998 20:53:35
- CEC Commission "Churches in Dialogue" meets in Germany
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 05 Jun 1998 20:53:36
- Starvation threatens some 350,000 people in southern Sudan
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 05 Jun 1998 20:53:37
- Evangelische Kirche in Oesterreich aeussert sich zum Papstbesuch
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 05 Jun 1998 20:53:38
- Seventh-day-Adventists should not be treated as sect
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 05 Jun 1998 20:53:40
- Mauritania: Carrots now grow where desert used to be
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 05 Jun 1998 20:53:41
- Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten nicht als Sekte behandeln
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 05 Jun 1998 20:53:41
- Regierung von Eritrea uebernimmt LWB-Entwicklungsprogramme
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 05 Jun 1998 20:53:43
- News in brief
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 05 Jun 1998 20:53:47
- Kurznachrichten
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 05 Jun 1998 20:53:48
- "Lutheran World Relief" - Preis fuer geschlechtsspezifische Arbeit
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 05 Jun 1998 20:54:28
- LWB-Vollversammlung ohne finanzielles Defizit
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 05 Jun 1998 20:54:42
- Die Aktualitaet der Rechtfertigungslehre angesichts
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 08 Jun 1998 12:41:37
- Neuer Rat des LWB tagt erstmals in voller Besetzung
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 08 Jun 1998 13:54:12
- LWB braucht Massnahmen zur finanziellen Stabilisierung
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 08 Jun 1998 13:55:12
- LWB-Vollversammlung in Hongkong leistete wichtige Weichenstellungen
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 09 Jun 1998 13:01:03
- 86 Stellungnahmen zur Gemeinsamen Erklaerung liegen vor
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 09 Jun 1998 13:03:22
- LWF President calls grace 'the supreme form of justice'
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 09 Jun 1998 16:39:27
- Most LWF member churches favor Joint Declaration
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 09 Jun 1998 16:40:30
- Situation in Eritrea unclear; LWF program director evacuated
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 10 Jun 1998 14:32:43
- Die unertraeglichen Schulden der aermsten Laender der Welt streichen
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 15 Jun 1998 11:12:39
- Kommunikationsgesamtplan fuer die lutherische Gemeinschaft
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 15 Jun 1998 11:23:44
- Fragen der Globalisierung, interreligioese Dialoge und christliches
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 15 Jun 1998 11:23:46
- LWB-Rat genehmigt 15-Millionen-Haushalt fuer 1999
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 15 Jun 1998 11:24:45
- LWB-Rat nimmt Gemeinsame Erklarung zur Rechtfertigungslehre an
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 16 Jun 1998 13:32:32
- Ein grosser Tag fuer die Welt
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 16 Jun 1998 14:12:54
- LWF Council unanimously approves Joint Declaration
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 16 Jun 1998 14:24:48
- Joint Declaration affirmed by 91 percent of responding LWF churches
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 16 Jun 1998 14:37:49
- Passing 'Joint Declaration' is 'big day' for Lutherans
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 16 Jun 1998 14:39:56
- LWF Council calls for support of Jubilee 2000 campaign
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 16 Jun 1998 14:40:58
- Neue aktuelle Zahlen: 89 Stellungnahmen zur Gemeinsamen Erklaerung
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 16 Jun 1998 14:41:59
- LWB-Rat nimmt Gemeinsame Erklaerung zur Rechtfertigungslehre an
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 16 Jun 1998 16:40:36
- LWF General Secretary offers highlights of federation work
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 17 Jun 1998 09:30:34
- ROUNDUP: 1998 LWF Council approves justification document
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 17 Jun 1998 09:45:32
- LWF on Joint Declaration -- B. RECOMMENDATION
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 24 Jun 1998 17:01:59
- News in brief
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 24 Jun 1998 17:02:03
- LWF on Joint Declaration -- A. Background 3 & 4 -- Responses
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 24 Jun 1998 17:02:57
- LWF on Joint Declartion -- A. Background 1 & 2 -- Declaration
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 24 Jun 1998 17:03:47
- LWF Council supports ecumenical activities
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 24 Jun 1998 17:05:23
- Responses to the 'Joint Declaration' from the LWF Member Churches
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 24 Jun 1998 17:05:32
- Study approved on Reformation churches in global society
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 24 Jun 1998 17:36:07
- ACT commended by LWF Council
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 24 Jun 1998 17:37:07
- Council approves LWF budget
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 24 Jun 1998 17:38:58
- LWF committee approves 112 projects for USD 12 million
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 24 Jun 1998 21:55:41
- LWF keeps to Joint Declaration in spite of Catholic reservations
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 25 Jun 1998 09:31:59
- New Executive Director Named for the Interfaith Alliance
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 10 Jun 1998 12:19:53
- Task Force on "Building Community"
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 10 Jun 1998 12:19:56
- Two TV Specials Look at Race in Religion and the Media
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 10 Jun 1998 12:20:53
- Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Membership Decline Slowed in 1997
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 10 Jun 1998 15:50:34
- A Mountain to Climb ... for Mission
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 10 Jun 1998 15:50:36
- Top Elected Church Leaders Host Live Presbyterian Town Hall Meeting
- Source: Received by the WFN Archive: 10 Jun 1998 15:50:38