From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Recommendation on Peace and Christian Presence
18 Jun 1998 10:34:11
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Recommendation on Peace and Christian Presence in Palestine and Israel
Before Assembly
by Nancy Rodman
CHARLOTTE, N.C.--The Assembly Committee on Peacemaking, International
Service and Concerns will recommend that the Assembly call on the United
States government to make continued aid and military assistance to Israel
contingent on Israel's fulfilling the terms of the Oslo Accords.
The Assembly would call on Israel to allow and cooperate with United
Nations' teams investigating the conditions of Palestinians living in both
Israel and the occupied territories. It would encourage Presbyterians to
continue to visit the region, study the issues, and share information
throughout the church and society. The General Assembly Council would
organize an official visitation by a small but widely representative team
from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to areas under the jurisdiction of
Israel, the Palestinian Authority, and neighboring countries.
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